I’m 20F, and for the past year, I’ve had friends who told other people about me. None of them were real and they kept on spreading false rumors. Should I explain myself and let people see my side of the story? Or should I just ignore them?

  1. If these false rumors are affecting your reputation, it might be worth confronting them and clarifying your side of the story

    Don’t let others define who you are.

  2. Real friends don’t believe gossip or need explanations. And enemies or fake friends won’t believe any explanations anyway.

    In other words, don’t waste your time on haters. Who cares? All you will do is get a knot in your stomach. All kinds of garbage come out of the mouths of other people so move away from those kinds of people. Explanations are useless.

    And you don’t OWE anyone explanations about your life. I live my life. Those who like or want be part of it, great. Those who don’t, meh. If they wanna go talk about me to someone else, have at it.

  3. Well, first things first, it’s always crappy when people spread rumors about you. The question is, do you want to waste your time and energy trying to explain yourself to these people? Personally, I’d say don’t give them the satisfaction. Sometimes it’s better to rise above the drama and focus on the real friends who know you for who you truly are. But hey, it’s your call. Just make sure you’re not wasting your energy on people who don’t deserve it.

  4. Don’t bother to clarify until somebody brings it directly to you “ i heard that you … bla bla bla “ ! Rest , just consider it as a random dog barking from dark ! Never have the courage to say it to the face !

  5. Are you saying your friends are spreading rumors?

    Actual friends don’t spread rumors.

    Sometimes may not realize they are doing it. So confront them about the lies. But if they don’t apologize **and** change, then we need to search for new friends so we can leave the old ones behind.

  6. Today’s generation is full of egoistic, lowlife narcs who find sadistic pleasure in reputation damage through gossiping. It is quite easy to spot them in the first place. So you should make your distance as early as possible. Now when it comes to confronting them, that can be a bit hard and demand a lot of courage, Since you have been defamed to the public around you, a one-on-one confrontation won’t solve your problem. You need to charge your horns in the public and confront them in front of everyone. Call them out, then lay down all the accusations, then ask for proof. Since they’ll be stunned by this, they won’t be able to respond. That’s when you double down on them. Ask them point-blank the rational behind their behavior. Just keep shouting to their face, “Why”. Their breakdown and your display of confidence and courage will inspire everyone with respect as not only they see the truth, but also how much are you willing to fight for it. Ignoring will only make your problems worse as it gives people even more space and encouragement to talk about you. Take them head-on. Compromise or withdrawal is not an option. DM if you need more personalized advice.

  7. If I discovered that people were talking smack about me, I would drop them with a quickness.

    People like that are looking for drama and honestly, I’m avoiding drama.

    These people aren’t friends, they are hangers on.

    Find better people

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