Why did you leave your last job?

  1. My boss was a rude, pretentious, stuck up, joyless woman. I had enough and quit on the spot one night

  2. I was let go for a) not kissing my third boss in 2.5 months ass; b) I “didn’t fit in”–I don’t knit and couldn’t socialize after work because kids and husband that would give me this line: “nobody else could stay late”(neither could *you*, buddy! You needed to get your ass home to either start dinner or start supervusing homework!)

  3. I lived in California and it didn’t pay enough, I had a job that required a degree to even get and it didn’t pay enough for me to get my own place

    So I quit the job AND left the shitty state 😛

  4. Wasn’t getting paid enough and just learned the skills to allow me to get the next one

  5. My grandfather doesn’t have much time left. So I could stay in a city I hated but where the work was good and maybe see him 7-10 days a year, or move back so that I can be there for the end of his life and deal with the consequences that has on my career. I chose family, career is surprisingly going better than I thought it would.

  6. It was a job that has very few opportunities for career advancement. Pay was low and hours were long.

  7. Corrupt workplace and ironically enough in the public sector. They’d all hire every family member in the book even though it wasn’t allowed but they’d find a way to sneak them in.

    I hit my breaking point when a supposed work friend ended up hiring someone he wanted to have sex with as opposed to hiring me who was the more qualified worker.

  8. Upper management was terrible and almost beyond repair. I was the 6th person to leave, 4 more are leaving also.

  9. Boss was an absolute nightmare + dotted line relationship with COO made me want to vomit because she was such an awful human. Upper management ran the place like a cult. Underpaid and disrespected left and right until I finally broke. If you are underpaid, told you don’t “look like” a leader, yet given more and more responsibilities, RUN as fast as you can. My favorite thing now is to talk to friends and others about knowing your worth.

  10. They piled on so much stress that it caused me to have a mental breakdown and be signed off work by a doctor for 3 months. It’s been almost a year and I’m still not fully recovered from the burnout, and truthfully I think it’s completely derailed all my expectations about work and my career, and it’s destroyed my motivation for work.

  11. The owner, manager, everyone were Christians that preached their values in rude, horrible and unpleasant ways that made all staff leave. In addition, the working conditions weren’t okay, underpaid, no penalty rates, and no such thing as overtime. They were absolutely heathens. Jesus would cry if knew of their existence.

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