Title says it all. I’ve read a lot of comments about how hard dating is for men nowadays and women get more options and an easier time finding dates. While I don’t know how true this is, I do see this idea tied to only online dating. As someone who will probably be using online apps, and for the guys out there, what have your experiences been like? Many comments and stories have been pretty discouraging.

  1. Well, the counterparts for getting dates is risking being raped or killed, so I would not consider that easier.

  2. I’m a virgin and have only been on one date. I’m 21. The “market” isn’t great. I’ve been called ugly, poor, “a good friend,” and ghosted more times than I can count.

  3. It’s hell. I’m at a disadvantage to start because I’m 6’6″ and 371 lbs. So I scare women apparently. Which is ridiculous because A) I would never hurt a woman and B) most women claim to like tall men. Apparently that’s only kinda tall men I guess.
    The dating scene is a joke nowadays. I haven’t been back in it long but I’m tired of it already. Most women just want you to subscribe to their onlyfans. Nobody is looking for good face to face conversation or any physical contact anymore. They just want to talk shit and do it themselves.

  4. From what I understand, and I may be wrong. Most girls on dating apps have a plethora of guys in their inbox. They have no trouble finding matches. But men will rarely get a match sometimes. That’s just the way it is. Doesn’t mean it’s impossible.

  5. I’m a man in my 40s and I find it very easy. I date women aged 30-45. I use online dating apps to get in contact with people and meet them asap. I usually go on 4 dates every week and I feel I’m picky. I have actively worked on my social skills for decades so when I go on a date with a woman, 9/10 times I enjoy it.

    I usually date 3-4 women at the time and if things don’t work out with one, it’s easy to find someone else. That also helps my narrow down what type of women I really like.

    Many dates evolve to FWB and some good old fashioned friendship. A few have turned into relationships.

  6. It is very hard.

    To successfully date **strangers** you need to either be good looking or to have the gift of gab.
    If you don’t have these and you use OLD, good luck not losing your sanity.
    Alternatively, if you’re wealthy and, or famous, you shouldn’t have too much troubles either.

    The problem, is on average, men crave for sex while women don’t as much. Women’s desires are the limiting factor, hence, they are the gatekeepers to sex.
    For relationships, it’s the exact opposite. But since men have a harder time getting intimate with women and doing so is the stepping stone to relationships, it doesn’t really help.
    Because of this disconnect of desires, women who crave sex as much as men have absolutely no issues finding mates, while men struggle.
    Note that the above is true in real life, it’s not OLD specific.

    My suggestion is don’t use OLD at all. Meet women in real life, cold approach them, get to know them a bit before dating.
    If you want to use OLD, prepare yourself, you’ll need to strategize and be consistent. Prepare your pictures and your profile, swipe, engage with your matches, prepare your stories and flirting phrases, etc… Then, if you get a date, repeat the above.

    For real, just skip the OLD phase entirely and meet people in real life. Then, you’re not a profile, you’re a real man with charisma, a voice, a way of talking, a stare, etc… With this, you’re already several laps ahead of your competitors on OLD.
    On OLD, you’re nothing more than an Amazon product women can ignore and mistreat, IRL, you’re a person.

  7. It all depends. Being a short guy, Keebler elf short, the pool of women is cut down greatly to begin with. The online dating scene..it like finding a unicorn that we both match.

    Women typically do have the opposite problem online (source…many women I’ve chatted with) where there is too many! Fakes, Ghosting. No interest.

    So a bit difficult but not impossible

  8. “You have to work 5x harder for a woman 20x worse than your grandmother.”

    Never realized how true this was until I reentered the dating scene after a 10 year marriage and 1 year healing done.

    I’m sure men suck too, but I don’t date them so I can’t comment. However I’ve been on dates with attractive women, average women, women with high end careers, and women with 20k a year careers.

    Usually within 15 minutes of meeting them I can tell they either don’t have their life together or they don’t seem to be the type of person that practices The Golden Rule daily.

    Took me a few months to switch my mind set to “hookups, open to a relationship” because I was done wasting my time lol.

    There have been a couple that have been close to relationship material, but once the mask fell it was the same shit different story.

    Dating is rough

  9. Preface: Sampling bias. People complain online because they can’t find success. Successful people in dating wouldn’t be complaining online.


    Having said that, I have extreme difficulty with dating. From what I understand, online dating has “polarized” the dating population in that “hotties” have lots of dates whereas average and ugly people are left with nothing.


    So, to answer your question: Is it hard?

    No. Not at all if you are a hottie. You may find that dating is extremely easy and wonder why people keep complaining about it.

    Yes. Absolutely, if you are not a hottie.

    Good luck!

  10. “Don’t do it,son”😅,related to the online dating,stay as far away as possible from it,your best bet is eventually finding your future missus IRL at school,at work…

  11. I’m not saying it’s hard or easy. It’s more of having a plan and a proper lifestyle to display. It’s like selling.

    As a man to be finding women via dating apps, he should have various kinds of pictures. Shirtless. Good looking fit body, vacation pictures. Proper facial structure, etc. As well as good height.

    Now I have all this but I’m not finding women through a dating app. Nope. I’m not going to be #66 on her list of guys she is talking to. No.

    Women have a POOL of guys she can talk to. For men it’s not like that unless you’re a celebrity or famous actor.

    Women date who they want.
    Men date who they can.

    Now kings, go after money, power and respect.
    Build a business. Build a lavish lifestyle.

    Let women come to you. Don’t go for the low hanging fruit. It’s not worth it. Protect your seed, your heart, your soul, your mind. Keep god in all your plans.

  12. Women can get dates and get laid pretty easy but keeping a man seems to be an issue for many women. Many guys have checked out of dating because women want a man with money, looks hung, height, and a lean muscular physique. Average is not okay with many women these days. So buy a cat and die alone.

  13. My experience in dating has been pretty bad its difficult to keep any women’s attention. Which is so confusing when women are still tell you your so cute handsome and funny or you’re good at dancing and when you try to do the stuff to start a relationship like texting chatting and getting to know each a bit before having a first date they for some unknown reason stop replying. And if they stop I no longer chase that because clearly they’re not interested enough to keep talking to me. I have found one women so far thats actually putting in some effort and she just wants me as a dick appointment which isn’t bad but hell how she acts towards me and treats me is lovely I wish women I went after acted like this. Unfortunately she’s a single mom doesn’t want a new husband/boyfriend or more kids and right now is too busy to see me. I just want someone that can actually talk to me so we can try to figure out if feelings are there and if not maybe see if theres enough attraction for some fun at least.

  14. This one will be different for every guy.

    For me personally I loved been single and am really good at dating. That being said I meet all the criteria for a traditional ‘attractive’ man in the west.

    So I love it! Never struggled getting dates, never struggled closing dates.

    These days I actually coach guys on how to approach online dating and getting/closing dates.

    In 2023 you do really have to be on top of your looks. It’s sad but women can’t see that I’ve platinumed Skyrim based off a glance.

    This is just one random guys experience and if you do struggle dating I’m happy to share advice or you can drop me a message!

  15. I typed out a hilarious comment but I’m not trying to get booted out of here. A guy my size and age roasting a little kid is just wrong anyway. Shouldn’t you be in school though?

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