What is your comeback story Men?

  1. I avoid mine. It involves ignoring my better judgment and even contact with my best friend as I held out hope for a woman who wasn’t interested even though she pretended just enough to keep me on the hook.

  2. Went to college, hated it, quit and worked construction for a few years.

    Went back to college as a 23 year old sophomore, had the time of my life.

    People should give hard thought to going to college right after high school.

  3. March 2013 I was fired from my job. In May I was one month away from being homeless and losing custody of my daughter. No money at all with very little savings. Drinking waaaay too much. July I got a new job and in a new town miraculously in the same town my daughter and her mom lived. I dumped the crazy ass girl I was dating and Got a cheap but ok apartment near her school so I could see her every day. Worked my ass off, kept my head down. Focused on my job and being a good dad and saved for 6 years and bought a house at a stupid high interest rate. Covid the market exploded and interest rates dropped so I refinanced to a 15 year note with 2% interest. During Covid went back to school and earned my MBA. Got an even better job now. Now I’m sitting on $500K in equity. I’m going to retire in 15 years. My daughter is a 4.1 gpa student as a senior and wants to go to the Air Force academy. No more stupid decisions.

  4. I was on bottom and they had a full mount on me. After a few minutes I managed to pull a reversal and get them in the rear mount position. After a few more minutes I pulled out and came on her back.

  5. Last year the girl broke my heart coz she found a guy who looked better than me , and she was my bestie sort of girlfriend ( that’s what I felt )

    I broke , ruined 2 attempts at my c.a exams and then started working on my self ( my poetry and all )

    Changed the whole perspective, started being positive
    And then cleared the exam , got a girl in my life ( better than her ) and now she is also back crying about how he( her b.f ) is unavailable for her

    And people look at me for motivation for their comebacksssss

  6. 2017 – I was out of school with my engineering degree but no gainful employment. I worked in manufacturing making $12/hr. My parents were disappointed. My gf’s family didn’t like me at all (mostly because I was from a different cultural background and broke). My gf was falling out of love with me.

    2018 – I enlisted in the Airforce. My gf fell in love with me all over again. Finally felt like my career was on the right track.

    2022 – Got a six-figure after the Air Force and bought a house all by myself. Planning to get married soon.

  7. Broke up with a toxic gf, we were together for 6 years during that time I gained 20kgs, lost friends and family temporarily and my sanity always having to walk on eggshells all day long on top of working 12-16 hr day/night shifts plus cooking and cleaning and everything else, while she worked 8 hr day shifts and couldn’t do the bare minimum.

    Took me 1 year to lose 20 kgs, regain my confidence, regain my friends plus make new ones, and regain my family. Moved to a new area to study IT>software engineering plus doing well in the dating scene.

  8. Somehow ended up having sex unprotected with a prostitute, wanted me to creampie but HELL NO, I’m glad I was strong enough to pull out.

  9. Going through a divorce
    Started drinking a lot
    Got super depressed

    Then one day, I just woke up and was like, what the FUCK am i doing right now? My kids need me, I’m fat, I’m unhealthy, and I hate myself. So i started eating right, focusing on my job and my health, and the rest is history. I’m now a much better father. All my major lifts are officially over 200lbs, for the first time in years, I’m under 190, and overall.. im starting to learn to love myself again.

  10. Grew up in a household filled with violence, drugs, and sexual abuse. Became homeless at 14 and dropped out of highschool. Moved across the country when I turned 17 and earned a GED, Associates degree, bachelors degree, and I’m in the midst of my masters degree now.

  11. was homeless in 2014, got myself housed and employed with no help from my case manager.

    worked my way up from dishwasher to junior sous chef at a restaurant, decided to go back to school. got a dipolma in social services and case management.

    now I work with people with addictions, mental health issues, and those who are tranistioing from homelessness.

    now I work with people with addictions, mental health issues, and those who are transitioning from homelessness. understand their struggles.

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