Obviously positive attention feels good to most. But how do you cultivate that feeling for yourself instead of relying on others?

  1. Learn self-love. Find ways to appreciate yourself, be proud of yourself, and acknowledge/celebrate when you do something well or make a positive change.

    Start by doing a simple task or setting a goal every day and it can be something tiny. Something like walk 10k steps, make your bed, read for 30 minutes, whatever it may be. When you do this, celebrate and appreciate that you did that thing and be proud of yourself. From there, you build up positive habits and go from there and learn to feel good about yourself.

    Second, instead of thinking negatively about yourself and filling your mind with negative thoughts about yourself. Focus on the good things about yourself. Think in terms of “I did XYZ to get better today” or “I like the way my hair looks today” rather than dwelling on the negatives. It can be hard to break the habit of being overly critical of yourself but learning to be positive and constructive is a big part of gaining confidence and learning to love yourself.

    Lastly, give positive attention to others! Tell others things you like about them. Compliment something they’re wearing, their smile, their personality, etc. For me, seeing some one light up when you give them a compliment is just as fulfilling as receiving one yourself and it makes me feel better knowing I made someone else happy.

  2. By being into myself: working out, looking good, accomplishing goals.

    I don’t know if this applies to men, but I feel especially taken care of and loved in a giddy way after a session of pampering; bath, soak, special-occasion lotion then wrapped and blanketed in a nice soft flowing fabric against my fresh skin.

    That would make me sleep with a smile on my face.

  3. I would have to understand why that would be a desirable thing to do in the first place before I wonder about the how.

  4. One way I learned to feel a similar amount of joy and contentment is from helping other people. Helping others and seeing them improving and thanking me for my help gives me an immense amount of joy. Not only does it make you happy, but it’s also good for them. Find a way to give value to the world or contribute in some way. Creative outlets are good too.

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