have school trip this week and I’m really excited about that but my problem is I don’t know any student that will go to this trip .my friends or myclasmates are not going to the trip and idk what to do.idk who will i sit with.if someone sits alone I will ask her/him that can I sit her near but what if no one is alone.and …I’m so anxious..I don’t want to spend my time all alone ..for a 3 three day I will be in trip and Idk what to do any advice ?

  1. Stop over thinking. You can’t tell the future. Best thing is to relax and not put any pressure on yourself and see what happens.

  2. Certainly, you’re not the only one who is in this position or is as nervous as you.
    You’re wasting so much time and energy worrying over something that may not be.
    you’re obsessively visualizing all the negative scenarios. Well, if you approach this trip with that mindset then it’s more likely to happen.

    Please listen to this 5 minute video and try to reset your train of thought. His message is very logical and powerful.


    Good luck. You’re gonna be great! 😊

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