It’s always the guy trying too hard and wanting to see her. I mean can’t women be like this to? I feel as a guy you’re always trying to be careful about how much you contact or be around her.

  1. Some women are also trying too hard. But it’s more often men and this is possibly due differences in our biology. Us men are freer to chase our sexual and romantic desires without worrying so much about unwanted pregnancies, rape, abuse etc. that women have to worry about, because women are usually physically smaller, weaker, and can get pregnant. This likely causes women to be more hesitant and evaluative in the dating game, compared to men. Makes sense?

  2. It’s a tall order to be the guy that hears that needyness from women. Like maybe she needs to feel like she’s a baby again whenever she sees you.

  3. Guys know they like a girl and can imagine things like kissing or having a future together the moment they see them. Girls need more time to be in this position. In turn, a guy who doesn’t understand this will project their interest and chase for certainty that the girl has the same level of interest. This has the opposite effect because it will make the girl bored or feel uncomfortable because a guy will start doing things because they think it’s needed rather than them being honest. It’s the mystery, anticipation and courtship that attracts the girl instead

  4. You might be projecting. In my experience, it’s been the other way around. But I think that’s because if you’re too clingy, you’ll gravitate towards people who are distant. If you’re too distant and independent, you’ll attract people who are clingy. It’s like a Ying yang.

    Edit: In regards to being careful with how much you contact somebody, that could be said about anyone. People are like cats, though women may be a little bit more skiddiish and for good reason.

  5. It’s not at all limited to guys, have you never been around a gen z chick? You’ve never heard the term pick me girl?

  6. Women do seek approval, make themselves available, are people pleasers and do go out of their way to do what others want and need, so they are not rejected. Male validation is a huge topic in lots of women. But they seek this kind of approval from men who are “qualified” to give that.

  7. You must be blind. I read many posts from girls anxiously attached and desperately want to keep a guy or any guy.

  8. Men are hungry. Hungry dont get fed.

    You know who gets fed? Men who arent hungry. Women really want to know who the hell they are so they start chasing them.

  9. Women are but you have to be a high value man with options. I had a girl drive 100 miles to see me because her friend said I was in a pub.

  10. It’s not, you’re just failing to see anyones perspective but your own. Like most the comments say, it’s even worse for women

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