So I (M 18) and her (F 18) have been in college for a month and we’ve talked for the same amount of time and we just saw a movie last night, it wasn’t really a date, more like hanging out, but I really do like her and afraid on how to move forward, I just asked her today if she was free in two weeks to see another movie and she said if she’s free on that day, I want to say date but I don’t want to screw everything up, she said she had a good time yesterday, we went to the mall before the movie and ate dinner, any tips?

1 comment
  1. It was a date bro. Walked around the mall, got something to eat, went to the movies. Yup – a date. That probably what she thought it was. Stop pretending!
    You romantically interested or just want to be friends with this girl?

    You will screw this up by continuing playing it safe. Next date make a move. At minimum hold her hand. I wouldn’t wait a full 2 weeks to ask her out again. I’d probably ask her if she wants to get together this weekend and do something. Pick something other than movies. Go for a walk or some activity or just see if she wants to meet up to get something to eat. It happens all too often that a guy has a girl interested and for some reason plays it too safe and loses her. Don’t be that guy.

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