30M feel like the few friends I have are so un-relatable, lame, and to be honest, just really self-involved.

Anyone else ever feel like? Man, I’d love to just recreate a new social circle from scratch. Has anyone here done that?

  1. Ya, I ditched many of my friends from school a long time ago. Their only interests were sports, alcohol and sex.

  2. I felt this in my early 20s. All my friends from school would usually only get together to go smoke blunts all day and stay home and watch anime. Getting high/anime became a whole personality that I did not jive with.

    I’m nearly 30 and I’m practically friendless lol. Making friends now is even harder since everyone is too busy all the time (or that’s what they say) so I wind up doing things on my own a lot, which gets boring when I have no one to bounce ideas off of.

    I’m good with people and general chitchat, but to get people to stick around is tough.

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