This is going to be a long post so please bear with me.

My husband and I have been married for 2 years and together for almost 4, we’ve had numerous amounts of ups and downs in our relationship but I think I’m at my breaking point.

(Background info)
My husband and I have a LO (f1) together who is the sweetest baby in this entire world. My husband wasn’t here for the birth and for a couple months afterwards for work. He’s had trouble “connecting” to her. I take care of everything. I cook (when I have the energy) clean, work full time, take care of our animals, and our child, and I pay majority of the bills (80/20), even tho he makes way more than me. I make about $1600 every 2 weeks where he makes $2800 every 2 weeks. Here are my problems:

He wastes all of his money on materialistic things instead of groceries/ baby stuff/ animal stuff/ etc.

He always is playing video games. When he has his days off from work and I still work he will “watch” our little one, and by watch I mean put her in her playpen all day and let her watch movies so that he can play video games. He feeds her breakfast and changes her diaper but unless she cries he won’t engage with her. When she was younger he has let her sit in dirty diapers while I was at work for a full day on 3 separate occasions. He hasn’t done it in 5ish months.

He has to be physically told to clean something. (Example) If there is animal poop on the floor he will see it, walk by it, and won’t clean it up unless I literally tell him to which I end up just usually doing it because it’s a hassle to get him to do anything without him moaning and groaning about it.

I have to do all the chores. The house won’t get cleaned unless I clean it. The only things he does are the dishes and trash but only after both are piled so high and I have to tell him to do them.

When I don’t work, I take care of our LO all day, when he comes home from work he doesn’t try to help me with anything with her, I’m still the only one changing diapers, giving her baths (he has yet to ever give her a bath, if I didn’t bathe her she wouldn’t get bathed.) and I feed her dinner, play with her, read to her, and do her bedtime routine. And if she wakes up in the middle of the night, I take care of her. He gets upset if I wake him up and then he gets an attitude at me and our LO.

If we’re at a restaurant and our LO starts crying he gets annoyed, most of the time if she isn’t content sitting in a high chair I’m the one to hold her while I try to eat while he enjoys his meals.

We have a dog that he bought on the pretenses that he would train the dog, in case you’re wondering- it’s been a year and he still hasn’t tried to train the dog at all. I know nothing about dogs. I’ve tried training him a little, but my husband will mess up my routine with the dog because he doesn’t “remember.” I feel awful for our puppers because he has to be outside constantly or in a kennel because my husband refuses to train him so he’ll chew the floor, walls, and furniture, and pees/poops I’m the house (which btw we RENT) but anytime I mention giving the dog up for adoption he doesn’t want to because he wants to be able to sell him. Since he paid for the dog I can’t do anything.

And now our sex life, it’s basically nonexistent because I don’t feel attracted to him because I feel like his MOM because I take care of everything. I have told him that sentence before and he just got an attitude said “wow, ok” and walked away.

So instead of using me, and the literal 600+ nude pics/videos I’ve sent him and that we’ve recorded together, he engages in porn, which I hate. I’ve always hated porn and I had told him before we even started dating that I don’t want to be with someone who watches it. I was already in too deep when I found he has a hidden porn addiction which has led to PIED (porn-induced erectile dysfunction)

I have brought up all of my concerns with him. I have suggested therapy, couples counseling, etc. He doesn’t feel like he “needs” it. And I’ve raised hell about the situations with my daughter. Hell change for 2 weeks and then go back to being the same person I dislike.

I want to leave. I want to leave so bad but I’m scared that if we do 50/50 custody our daughter won’t be taken care of when she’s with him… plus I can’t imagine not seeing my baby every single day. She’s my everything. I’ve always told myself I’d never be that person that takes a child away from their father..
I’ve started doing the whole “nest egg” thing in case I do end up leaving but I just don’t know what to do.

What do I do? How do I find my footing again after all this? I’ve always wanted a big family but I don’t want it with him.

Please give me advice. I’m just so unhappy. I love him so much, but I dislike him as a person.

TLDR: I do everything in the household and my husband does the bare minimum. I love him but I don’t like him and I don’t know how to handle my situation anymore. I’ve suggested counseling and other forms of communication but he refuses.

1 comment
  1. I think you overestimate his desire to have custody. Even if he gets custody on paper, the odds of him ‘forgetting’ to exercise it are pretty good.

    If cps knew how long he let her sit in her own waste, you both might have lost custody.

    Delete the porn and nudes before you go.

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