What should a guy avoid while dating in his 20’s?

  1. Getting too hung up on one person it isnt working with just because you had an initial connection. Lots of guys make the sunk cost mistake.

  2. Poison ivy

    And if you think you’ve touched some, wash the afflicted area with hot soapy water and don’t touch your face or any other parts of your body

  3. Thots really. Women have a much easier time sleeping around and using multiple men for different things, but it does depend on where you live like Miami or something.

  4. Marriage, but if you’re absolutely set on it then educate yourself on the divorce rates, divorce laws in your state and keep in mind marriage is disposable to most people today.

  5. Getting pressured into marriage because you’ve been dating for X amount of time. Women WILL do this.

  6. Investing too much effort on people who don’t invest the same effort as you. You cannot force people to choose you.

  7. STDs. Accidental pregnancies. Continuing the relationship despite red flags because “what if i wont find anyone else”. Aparat from those, go forth and have fun, its the only time when u can

  8. Avoid not dating. Failure and pain is guaranteed, but it beats the hell out of staying in your little corner.

  9. Getting her pregnant accidentally. My bro recently did. He’s happy about it but i don’t think it’s going to end well, though I hope it works out for his sake.

  10. Putting so much time into dating that you neglect other aspects of your life. If you live a well rounded life outside of your relationships you’re not only going to be happier but you will become a better partner.

  11. Getting a girl pregnant. My advice is to wait until you have a steady relationship and then wait a little bit more. And until you are financially stable. Before that, please use a condom or get a morning after pill or something. Getting pregnant is something that should be talked about beforehand.

    For most men this means at least their late 20s, or early 30s. Or maybe never, but that’s a whole new issue.

  12. Anything other than 50/50 in costs, marriage, children, single moms, STIs, or letting a woman move in.

  13. Paying for premium on dating apps

    Getting so discouraged you don’t try for years on end

    Getting too attached/obsessing about the one that got away

    Placing your self worth on being in a relationship

    Not looking inward and working on your self

    Not practising your social skills

  14. Avoid women who already have kids. They’ve already shown a tendency to make bad choices.

  15. Before you’re 25, avoid taking your relationships too seriously. Then, don’t focus too hard on the relationship until you have finished your schooling or are decently established in a career field.

    Enjoy your youth and spend time figuring out what you actually need and want in a relationship.

    Source: I’m an older dad with kids who are grown, married, and have families of their own. I gave them this advice when they were growing up, to basically learn from my mistakes as a young dad.

  16. Dating in general. Work on yourself, career, finances, gym if you’re into that. Get into a place you like, the car you want etc.

    Think about what you really want in a partner THEN go look for one.

    I made the mistake of dating when I had no idea wtf was going on in my life and it absolutely put me behind and I’m not even with those people anymore

  17. Only sleep with women you trust, are monogamous with, and you’ve both been tested, wear condoms, try and avoid one night stands, they are dirty and dangerous. Don’t get married until you’ve lived through your 20s and for the love of god, don’t procreate, you have time! Bonus advice: if a girl is crazy or has manic episodes, don’t date her, even if it’s a hookup. She will make your life a living hell.

  18. Dating someone that doesn’t have a job and isn’t going to school and isn’t doing anything with their life. Sorry, but we all gotta pull our weight

  19. determine what you are looking for (i.e. having fun or Commitment). Once you know that make your intentions clear from the start.

  20. Wedding rings. Set your course and work YOUR life plan. There’ll be plenty of future partners to choose from if you create something for them to gravitate to.

  21. Marriage. Be patient, keep putting yourself out there and find the right one, there’s no rush.

  22. If she doesn’t like you, go no contact and move on. It’s not like the movies or shows, you aren’t going to win her back. Wasted so many months hoping to get that late night text when I should’ve just invested in myself.

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