Damn, you know what? Going out is not worth it. The stress of potentially getting girl pregnant, social drama, feeling like shit after taking something, feeling like shit because you don’t fit in (and that’s 99% of the times a good thing). I’ve been throughout all that and more, and as a person who sits in front of a computer for a majority of its life my conslusion is – this shit ain’t worth it. Keep few best friends who are, this is crucial – good people, close and do what’s right. You probably know what’s that, just stick to it. You may feel like a bitch because of fomo and everyone else going out and parting, but seriously – staying in your comfortable environment, playing games and taking to a few people you really trust is the best option out here.

  1. Well, being a recluse (which you are an example of) is the extreme opposite that is not worth it. You need to learn how to go out and socialize. You don’t need to be the life of the party, but you need to be somebody who is respectable to be around and interact with. That will not come behind a screen.

  2. Hey man life’s a risk. And you sound defeated. Don’t be a recluse that finds comfort in his own little bubble. You want changes in your life, then you have to be willing to take risks and get out of your comfort zone. Idk what kind of experiences you’ve had out in the real world, but we all have some bad experiences when venturing out. But that’s how you’ll learn what you like and what you don’t like. Maybe the whole partying/drinking/fucking around scene is not for you and that’s fine. It’s not for everyone, but shutting yourself in isn’t healthy either. Find a balance. You’d be surprised at how you can make lifelong friends doing things others don’t. Life’s a playground, and you don’t always have to play with the popular kids. Just get out there and have fun. Do things you genuinely like, not pressured to like and you’ll see how easily you’ll attract people

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