Curious what examples everyone has and ways you stay safe as a young woman living in a big city but wanting to have fun and be social.

  1. Head on a swivel. Be aware of your surroundings at all times. If you’re going out, never leave your drinks unattended or drink something that the bartender prepared with their back to you. Don’t get drunk if you’re out alone. If you’re driving somewhere, get your keys out of your purse and in your hand before you leave the building. If you’re walking down the street and someone looks sketchy, try to turn on to a busier street.

  2. Knowing when to just avoid or ignore people. Women (and men, honestly) are often pressured into thinking it’s rude to ignore strangers in the street who ask them for things or have something to say to them.

    Most specifically, if someone is obviously trying to talk directly to you but won’t enunciate and just mumbles or whispers, requiring you to step or lean closer to them, don’t interact with them at all. Someone who urgently needs your help will scream and yell. Someone who is just begging or trying to sell you shit will speak in a normal tone of voice and make eye contact.

  3. Constantly assessing the situation.

    This week I got chased down by a homeless madman, screaming he was going to do vile things to me. It happened very quickly.

    Had I not been aware of this, in an otherwise safe area – who knows. I ran into a restaurant and the people got him away.

    I also have had even my water tampered with, so I am very protective of my drinks and never lest my guard down anymore.

    Where I would go and what I would do in many situations runs in the back of my mind. Similar to finding the nearest exit, but in any given situation

  4. Pay attention to your surroundings. When you walk in to a new place make a note of where all the doors and windows are just in case you need to leave in a hurry. If your walking by yourself don’t wear both earphones. Listen to your surroundings, carry paper spray or a taser. If your going on a date always let someone know where your going to be and with who in case something happens. Never leave your drink unattended. And wear shoes you can run in. Always carry $20 cash as emergency money. That’s just a few. But above everything trust your gut. If something doesn’t feel right leave. If someone makes you uncomfortable get away from there. If your on a date get yourself there and make sure you can leave on your own. And use common sense

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