How common are NEETS and “Basement Dwellers” in the US?

  1. I vaguely remember hearing about NEETs in an anime I watched. They are definitely not common terms

  2. Uncommon.

    Those two terms are pretty shitty ways to describe people. Even if someone works a super low level job they are getting training.

    If they live with their parents they aren’t necessarily a “basement dweller.”

    Almost everyone outside of the extremes does something that makes a value to society.

  3. You’re on reddit, asking about basement dwellers, most likely you’re posting from a basement.

  4. [According to the Pew Research Center, around 15% of Americans in the 16 to 29 age range were NEETs in 2018.]( The percent of people in this age range who were NEETS appeared to be decreasing in line with the overall US unemployment rate, so the percentage who are NEETs in 2023 is likely similar because the current unemployment is about what it was in 2018.

    It should be noted that Pew used the technical definition of the term NEET; they were not using the term as a euphemism for stereotypical antisocial basement dwellers. Their estimate for NEETs also includes young adults who were between jobs or between education and employment as well as people who are taking care of children or elderly family members full time.

  5. Had to look up both lol I’d say probably not super common but also not any more/less common than similar countries?

  6. There aren’t that many basements in California. Sure, they exist, older houses have them sometimes , or something that sort of approximates a basement, maybe a couple walls and no floor if your house is built on a slope. You could build one yourself if you really want to, but most homes aren’t built with them.

    We don’t have a frost line in most of the state so they aren’t necessary. Also I have no idea what a neet is.

  7. Yo, I live in a big city with old row houses, many of which have “English style” basement apartments. I’ve known lots a people who lived in basements… Oh you mean like living in your mom’s basement.

  8. Not many but I’ve known maybe 2 in life. People can generally sense the failure coming off those people though and steer clear of them. When you’re that young there’s no reason to have zero goals or progression in life

  9. Not nearly as common as Japan but of course you have a decent amount as the US is massive

  10. Common on reddit uncommon elsewhere, it is still an issue but nowhere near where it is in other countries.
    I know a few current and former NEETs. One is 25 never had a job and still lives in her childhood bedroom it is a really sad situation.
    Another eventually ended up in prison and the third gave up the life a few years ago to become a grocery store manager and now lives with a friend.

    I know it’s hard if you’re in the situation to see any possibility of things getting better but as someone who did just barely escape this life it’s worth it to get out.

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