You always hear that men will have sex withh anything, do you have any standards for who you sleep with? Are they high or low

  1. First of all, they have to be female and want to sleep with me. Second I need to be attracted to them. Those eliminate a lot right there.

  2. Well I would only sleep with someone I see a long-term future with so that’s pretty high, right?

  3. When I was young and single, my standards varied on the length of the dry spell. One night stands were much lower standards than relationship material.

  4. When I was still interested, I would’ve done it with any girl of appropriate age. How she looked like was irrelevant and my standards were practically 0.

    It never happened for me and I gave up. So you could say my standards are now infinitely high, since I wouldn’t do it with anyone anymore.

  5. Used to be super low. Now since I found self esteem they are surprisingly high.

    High enough to the point that being fit and attractive isn’t enough. You actually have a decent personality and make me laugh and show a hint of intelligence.

  6. As long as she doesn’t discust me.

    Meaning if she looks mostly healthy and isn’t morbidly obese.

  7. One’s standards can NEVER be too high.

    FAR too many people “settle”.

    Don’t settle. It is MUCH better to be alone than to settle.

  8. Well, I can’t afford very high standards myself. Though to be honest even if I wanted to sleep around I think it’s not good for me. Too many risks. I’m a man by the way.

  9. Slept with a guy I thought I would never see again. Changed jobs and he’s my lead now 🤦🏽

  10. I have the same standards for hookups and relationships and honestly they’re a bit too high for how I look imo:/ I’ve turned down plenty of women who could have been really good to me because I’m attracted to very specific things. I dont ever want to use anyone so I do my best not to settle out of fairness to both of us. That said, hookups are obviously lower stakes but I kinda take my standards pretty seriously. I’ve missed out on a few experiences for sure but I’m just going for what feels right

  11. High

    I’ve rejected quite a few women because I have to feel something & I hate the culture in the UK that lads just should think about shagging anything with a pulse.

  12. quite high considering that at some point i went to that “place” where i didnt care about looks and/or emotional connection. All that mattered was “dick hard? lets go”. Since then, im happy to just sleep alone at night than having to run out the door immediately after.

  13. High, I have to trust the person(too many diseases out there) and have some sort of connection with them. Also accidental pregnancy happens and if she decides to keep it I don’t want to be stuck with a monster of a woman just because I wanted to bust a nut.

  14. They were always high. Part of that is childhood trauma though. I need to fully trust a person before I let them touch me. My wife is the only one I have ever been with, and I intentionally pushed girls away that I could have had an opportunity with back in my late teenage years before dating her.

    But the standards weren’t about being with some super model fantasy. It was about trusting someone and having an emotional connection.

  15. It’s more preferences. I PREFER women who are bbw/chubby, nerdy, on the kinky side, sex positive and open. Some people mistake that for low standards, when it’s really just a different set of standards that may not be apparent at a casual glance.

  16. My standards are so high that there is no one who meets the criteria. That person should be female. It already writes off half of the population. And that person should be willing to have sex with me – it writes off another half.

  17. For sex? Define “Low”.For me, I have 3 main points.

    1. Does she take care of her body?
    I like a woman who puts effort into looking good. A bit of exercise, eating well, etc. I’ve broken this rule once for someone I liked, but I was compelely unable to enjoy the experience, so now that’s a hard rule for me.
    2. Is she clean?
    I’m clean and I intend to stay that way. She either has to provide proof, or build up enough rapport with me that I trust her word.
    3. Does she avoid having a ‘blast radius’?
    By ‘blast radius’, I mean is she irresponsible / unaccountable enough that her actions harm others. I don’t get involved with people who can’t manage themselves, it’s not worth it. An example: A lady friend who wanted to bang, so she got wasted drunk and drove over… and parked a little too far into the house.

    I would say that “Clean”, “Reasonably Healthy”, and “Not dangerous” to be a relatively low standard. My standards for who I’d actually consider for a wife are much much higher.

  18. There is really no point in going home with a woman who I am not both emotionally and physically into. I would just feel hollow / empty with everything we do, I won’t openly talk about my feelings, won’t take initiative, won’t give her my best in any way really. I would just be disappointed with myself and feel guilt towards her.

  19. Depends on what you mean. I’m a demisexual, and can’t get it up unless we have an emotional bond. Sure I have some physical standards, but they are far less important than that bond.

  20. Legal age and alive. I mean, if I need a boat to get to it, no. And blondes….if I have to?

  21. Of legal age, not morbidly obese, not hideous to look at. Good hygiene and willing. So I guess pretty low.

  22. Extremely high. 20 years with one incredible woman. My only sexual partner. No one else would measure up.

  23. I see myself as a 6 or 7, so I would put my standards at 6+. That said im way more into personality than looks. So thats a big thumb on the scale. I’m more into the relationship thing, but women tend to treat me like a fuck-boy. So I’ll take what I can get.

  24. I’m 40 fresh divorced. To sleep with standards are very low as in she better not have a penis hidden down there and go by the name Kendra cause she use to be a Karl. And no married women, and if we go to your place afterwards I better not wake up to your kids in the morning

  25. Maybe this will answer your question, ANY ladies except youthers, want to sleep with me? 21 m

  26. Extremely high. For example, if a lady isn’t my wife she ain’t even making the shortlist.

  27. Back in the day, I always made the joke that my standards were ” weighs less than me and can’t smell them at five paces”, which I pretty much held to.

    Nowadays I add “can’t be insufferable”.

    For context, I’m 6’3 280

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