Today I went to my local McDonald’s drive thru and the person who took my order was a 16/17 year old teenager who looked very handsome.

After he took my order, I decided to tell me that “I think you are very good looking”.

He responded in a surprised tone saying “ohh, thank you”.

Then off I went home.

Now I am just second guessing myself thinking maybe I should not have said what I said.

By the way I know he is 16/17 year old teenager and was not wanting or intending for it to escalate further.

I just wanted you know if I was being a woman creep because I know if it was the other way round men would get backlash.

Edit 1: Thank you to everyone that responded. I appreciate the different perspectives etc.

I definitely feel more embarrassed but I guess we live and learn.

  1. If that was it then I wouldn’t have thought so. I would have liked being called handsome at 17. Hell, I’m 38 and can’t remember the last time someone did.

  2. Good lord, even if it was unsolicited or unwanted, this kid will have bigger problems in his life. Don’t waste your energy thinking about it. If anything you should feel bad for not complimenting us ugly bois. Where are my drive thru compliments?

  3. Nah, odds are he’s probably gonna remember that for the rest of his life with how scarce compliments tend to be for men.

    You also didn’t try to take his number or anything.

    At the end of the day tho, its only creepy if the other person considers it so.

  4. You should definitely avoid making comments like that to minors. You can say they are dressed sharp or something, but not their looks or body.

    I know when I was that age, when an older woman would make a comment like that, it confused me at first b/c it is not how I expected an interaction with an adult to go. Then later on I’d feel uneasy and weird about it.

    No one here can speak for all guys or how they’d feel. I’m sure plenty here would feel pretty good about it. But it’s best to play it safe, especially since it has nowhere to go. Others will probably judge you too.

    Edit: I wouldn’t beat yourself up over it though, just avoid doing it in the future.

  5. well yeah, it is creepy.

    imagine a 25/30 year old man, telling that to a 16 year old.

  6. Yes, I would say creep. He’s clearly a minor and at work.

    Think to yourself if a middle aged man had said the same to a 15 year old girl in a mall, would you consider it creepy or not?

    This is no different just because you’re a woman

  7. I can’t answer for him, but if it was me I wouldn’t have thought you were a creep when I was that age. But that is 25 years ago and the world has changed since then. Anyhow, don’t let this ruin your sleep.

  8. About 15 years ago someone complimented my jacket and said it looked nice on me.

    So honestly, he’ll probably be riding that high for about a decade.

  9. I’ll be the guy that says if an older chick told me I looked handsome at 16/17 I would have been pretty stoked about it, but that’s just me, I can’t say the guy wasn’t possibly bothered by it.

    In general it is best to avoid that sort of thing though. Obviously if it were the other way around, it would be perceived differently. I never compliment women on their appearance unless I know them due to the age possibility or if I’m at a bar or something. A lot of teenager women these days look like they could easily be 20-24 due to the way they dress and do their makeup. and I am just not willing to take that risk or make someone feel uncomfortable.

    That being said, this was pretty tame. It’s not like you called him hot, but it was not an ideal situation. But I seriously wouldn’t linger on it too much.

  10. That’s exactly the response that most men will have from getting a compliment, because they are few and far between, we don’t know how to act.
    I would not lose sleep over it. You paid an honest compliment and walked away. Your intent was nothing more than that. I hate that in today’s times we have to second guess even a wholesome interaction. You probably left him a little dazzled and confused. I think that its normal to feel that way when anything out of the norm happens . I doubt that when his shift ended he sent a coworker out to make sure the crazy old lady(25 please) was not outside waiting to jump outta of the bushes.
    That is a compliment I have never gotten, but, about a year ago I had a lady compliment my ears, a stranger no less and in front of others. I have big ears, not gigantic, regular sized but they stick straight out, no fold in them. I carry rocks in my pockets on windy days kinda aerodynamics. I looked up our eyes meet and she said “you have the cutest ears” I was instantly speechless. I mumbled my thanks and moved on. I was flustered but I knew the compliment was wholesome.. We crossed paths in another part of the store and she had a similar concern. She hoped she had not embarrassed me. I told her she had not, I just didn’t know how to react to a compliment since I had not received one since being a teenager many moons ago. I thanked her again and we parted ways. She was in her fifties I am in my forties. The interaction could have been misconstrued in many ways by others. But in that moment y knew there was nothing creepy about it.

  11. You made his day and boosted his self confidence. I’m almost 40 and I can remember the three times in my late teens when random older women said something complementary to me about my looks. I consider myself a decent looking guy but it’s pretty rare for women to do this so it’s memorable.

  12. Compliment choices, not their personal appearance.

    “That’s a very sharp looking outfit!”

    “I love that color.”


    “Nice cock bulge.”

  13. People saying you’re a creep are ridiculous. I’ve been given these compliments when I was teen from older girls/women, and it made me feel good about myself. Not to mention, they weren’t being flirty and only gave a quick compliment – like you did. Saying he’s handsome isn’t the same as calling him sexy, or something like that. If the guy thought it was creepy, then maybe it was? But I’m sure you would’ve notice body language suggesting he didn’t care for the compliment, and you didn’t seem to pick up on anything like that. I say you’re good.

  14. If that was me m. As a 16/17 year old, that’d not only make my week, but also increase my confidence for that year.

    I know a male saying it to a female is creepy, and so people use that analogy. But the truth is, it’s different, guys love it.

  15. I think it at least would have been more appropriate to say “handsome” rather than “good looking.”

    “Good looking” kinda implies that you are personally attracted to him. “Handsome” is more innocent. Even children get called handsome without it being weird.

  16. Yeah, as a woman, I’d say just be careful with minors. It would be better to say, you have beautiful eyes, or something specific about the face or hair or clothes, but general comments about attractiveness, or their body might make them uncomfortable and you definitely don’t want to seem like you are flirting. Like, a grandma can say, My aren’t you a handsome young man, in that very benign grandma way, but I think that’s an exception.

  17. It is a weird compliment to give to an underage guy. If absolutely nothing else, he may take it the wrong way and think you’re interested, and that’s going to cause trouble for you.

  18. When I was 16 I answered phones for a cab company and woman called and complimented my voice and said I sounded very attractive. She was in her 20s and i mentioned I was 16. She laughed and jokingly asked if she could “molest” me. I saw it as a joke and took it as a compliment that I have a nice voice. I still tell the story. I also wished later when I was an adult that I would’ve written down her number.

  19. You made the guy’s day!

    Actually, more than his day. He won’t remember you, as such, but he’ll remember the compliment for years.

  20. The other day I door dashed a bootle of tequila. The driver that showed up was an older (60+) lady and when she saw my ID she said “that can’t be your real birthdate, you look much to young)

    I’m 38 years old. 😂. (And I look 38 years old.) But it was still nice to hear.

    So I’m going to say… you were outta line but you got the spirit! Maybe just give it… 30 years or so.

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