Hi everyone, my first post here

For some context, my university has LOTS of international students, like hundreds every semester.

So, I was getting to know a girl who is also from my homeland, and we got each other quite well, but after she made 2 other friends (also from our homeland) she became to talk, go out and all stuff with her 2 friends around.

Last Wednesday was a party organized by some old students so international students could get to know each other. And in that party I got to know some crazy but super nice spanish guys, and this guys actually made me the following question:

\- Those 3 friends of you, you speak their language right? Do they know how to speak english? Because they don’t talk to anyone else besides them.

In the moment I laughed a lot, but when I got home and thought better on it, I kinda understand his point, and I don’t know why, all my interest for her was vanished.So I was hoping to know if I should not consider this, or if anyone else got similar stories.

  1. As shallow as it sounds, I noticed her tooth to gum ratio was way off and couldn’t not look at it

  2. She was rude to her grandparents once and some other friends of hers were like “yup, that’s her, she gets moody and rude sometimes.” That shattered the perfect facade I had created of her and I was no longer interested.

  3. Every time we were on the phone, it was mainly her talking. She would ask me “are you there? Are you going to say something? Etc etc” and I answer “yeah I’m just here listening” (this would be at least an hour or a little more, I usually get to speak for like 5-10 mins every time)

    The one thing that made me lose all my interest was how she deliberately ignored my text messages, and expected me to call her. Didn’t see her until that following Friday, and she was upset at me and told me “I didn’t want you to text me, I expected you to call me.” And “Thanks for checking up on me” with a very passive aggressive tone. Since then, I just didn’t want to be bothered with her anymore.

  4. I dated a literal maxim model once, she also was a runway model and did print ads, she was gorgeous which is what drew me to her in the first place…after a few weeks of dating I realized she wasn’t very smart but even worse than that, she was the most boring, surface level, ignorant person I’d ever met…talking to her was like talking to a 5-year-old lol I had nothing in common with her other than the fact that I thought she was really hot

    I ended things and she lost her damn mind! She texted me literally 50 times asking “why???” and no answer I gave her was good enough, then she called my phone a million times and left messages, then when I stopped picking up my phone she showed up at my house lol it was insane…I don’t know if she had never been turned down by a guy before or if she’s just really insecure but I’ve never seen anyone act that psychotic over a guy they only dated for a month or so

  5. I had a girlfriend in high school that was in a performance and watching her on stage I just sort of lost some of the attraction to her. Idk if it was the angle, the lighting or what but during intermission I was talking to some mutual friends and she walked right by me and didn’t acknowledge me at all. We had been dating for 7 months and that night I just decided I wasn’t into her anymore.

  6. My ex was shallow and insecure. We went on a lovely vacation to Barbados. As we were walking down the beach, holding hands, picking up sea glass of all kinds of colors, I’m just really enjoying the moment in time in a literal paradise with the girl I loved at the time..she says, “ew, that woman shouldn’t be wearing that bikini, it looks horrible on her”. It was that moment I felt so many feelings just fade away.

  7. She wouldn’t stop talking, probably undiagnosed Adhd or something, at first I found it great, she was so easy to talk to, we had loads in common.

    But my god, sometimes you just want to sit down and relax without somone talking at you for hours about random shit.

  8. Didn’t know it at the time, but depression. Great relationship of 2 years down the drain, thankfully that was just high school. Suddenly stopped feeling it and thought it was b/c of going off to college and shit, turned out no, that was just a really bad emotional slump and fucked up a great thing.

  9. In the middle of drinks she asked me what I knew about Plan B. Then she informed me she had recently been sleeping with multiple guys, had taken Plan B, and has not had her period since. Then she said she worried she was pregnant and described some other symptoms. Later that night she texted me that she had taken a pregnancy test and was indeed pregnant.

  10. I saw her twitter account and she posted some really weird things that didn’t align with what she was like in person.

  11. he got piss drunk last night and was texting me stupid shit, and then was drinking again this morning. ew

  12. She said I was pretty much a placeholder for her army ranger boyfriend to come back from training

  13. This girl told me all the guys she would fuck at work. I couldn’t believe she was telling me this

  14. Had a one-sided crush on a classmate in highschool, before I could tell her about it I got to know her better (as one does). It was the weirdest thing cause one day I went home thinking about her, and the next day I just came to the sudden realization the feelings were gone. Wasn’t anything she did or said, it was just like someone flipped a switch and I didn’t have a crush on her anymore.

  15. I was 29 or 30, she was 9 or 10 years older, this was about 13 years ago.

    She woke up out of a Xanax hole at approximately 6:30pm on a Saturday evening and was furious that I’d decided to go hang out with my brother instead of continuing to wait patiently for her to wake up.

    I’d worked earlier that day, and actually had presumed her to be doing the same. I sent a perfectly respectful, cheery and fun message, per usual. Hadn’t heard back when I finished work, so tried to call with no answer, left a message saying that I hoped she’d had a great day and that I looked forward to hearing from her. By about 5, I’d spoken to my bro and made plans to hang out.

    Two sips into my second beer, my phone rings, I answer happily; more or less, “Hey! How are you? Did you have a decent day?” What I got in return was delirious and very groggy abuse for being a selfish and inconsiderate deserter, and that she couldn’t believe I’d prioritise seeing my bro over waiting for her to come out of her Xan coma etc etc. All I said in response was something like, “Yeah, no. We’re not doing this. Don’t call again.”

    I don’t care what chemicals etc people do to make themselves feel good, as long as it’s not to the detriment of anyone else, and I’ve honestly done very well at keeping to that myself for most of my life too.

    I don’t care if people want to sleep all day. I do it sometimes. But I don’t expect anyone to wait for me to do that.

    I don’t care who my partners choose to spend their free time with, be it friends, family, animals, aliens, whatever. As long as they’re safe, honest and loyal to whatever we’ve discussed.

    I’m extremely empathetic to mental health issues, because I’ve worked on my own regularly and consistently since I began to understand what they were as a teen.

    I expect at least a token effort of reciprocity.

    I would not accept and did not expect these things being thrown back in my face for absolutely no reason other than an angry, tired lady coming out of a benzo coma and spitting seething hatred at me for hanging out with my fucking brother.

    We had only been seeing each other 5 months or so. On paper, it looked like quite a nice budding relationship. Once that happened, boom.

    I’m just glad I was healthy enough myself at that point to see it for what it was and immediately bail. Because future me didn’t always make such good decisions.

  16. Back when I was a teenager in the late nineties I would meet people off local chat rooms, as you do.

    Anyway, had been talking to this lovely girl for about six months, really pretty, great fun and we’re attracted to each other. She asks when we can meet up. I offer to go to her town as it’s about an hour on the train.

    Things are great when we meet, walking hand in hand and lots of cuddles. So I make a move and try to kiss her.

    “Oh no thanks, I have a boyfriend”

    Probably one of the biggest WTF moments of my life.

    I remember having it out with her there and then, and her response was basically “well you never asked me directly”.

    Sure love. Because i’m certain your boyfriend would love to know you’re meeting other guys, holding hands with them and flirting with them online, describing what you’d like to do to them sexually.

    The next shop we went in I made sure she was out of sight and slipped away back to the train station. No thanks.

  17. When she told me with a straight face that there were almost 1 billion people in the US, and most were illegal immigrants. That was when I knew there was no hope of us becoming anything more.

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