I have been dating a guy for around a month. I was shocked at how quickly we clicked, and we have been meeting for dates 2/3 times a week(ish) since the beginning of April. In the very beginning he was very active in terms of messaging me back. He was messaging me first, or sending me random funny messages out of the blue. However, quite suddenly (in the past week) he has become less respondent / he doesn’t ask so questions and responds with very short and minimal effort messages. He didn’t respond to my message yesterday evening, which he has never done before.

That said, in the actual time we have together in person, he is wonderful and talkative and affectionate. When we meet in person – which he has been up until this point keen to do – I do not worry about him losing interest. Quite the opposite.

Am I worrying about nothing? Does his lack of response / slow and low effort response mean that he is losing interest in me?

Should I ask him about this outright? (we do have very long and honest conversations in person). Or should I take the same approach and be more distant on messenger?

Thank you for your help!

  1. He might just be better at engaging in person from what you’ve provided. Ask him if he would rather talk to you on the phone/computer, or physically more. He could be working a lot, or is generally busy recently. I’ve acted similarly several times to several people over the years, and I’ve apologized for the worry I’ve caused. He hasn’t forgotten you, just wait.

  2. If he is stopping communication, there is a 90% chance he is lost intrest. What you type is irrelevant at this point.

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