Married Men of Reddit how long into the relationship did you get married and how’s it going?

  1. We were together for about ten years before I proposed. We’ve been married for 3, almost 4 years now. Going really well. Not a complaint in the world. We lived together for most of our relationship before we got married, so not a lot really changed for us after the wedding.

  2. Married 3 years in, been together 12.

    We’re very happy together. We communicate, resolve conflicts well, we date regularly, love to talk and spend time together, and we’re raising three boys with a decent amount of success. She’s finishing her RN degree, I’m about to publish my first book, and we’re looking forward to our 10th anniversary in reno next year.

    Only reason we had to wait was because at the time she was still influenced somewhat by her mother (Who hated my guts) and to this day wishes she hadn’t waited as long.

  3. We got engaged on our 1 year dating anniversary and got married 4 months after that. Next week will be our 6th wedding anniversary. We now have a 1 year old son. Life is great. We’re in love and best friends.

  4. Got married on our 10 year anniversary. We both saw how bad divorces can be and really wanted to be sure. I got no complaints, feels like absolute bliss and I’m lucky to wake up next to her every day. Trust your gut, if something feels bad, address it, and if it feels good, follow it.

  5. We’ve been together for 5 years, living together for 4.5, getting married in a month, G-d willing. Wish me luck!!

  6. We met in December, moved in together in February, and were married in March. Will be married 18 years this March.

  7. We were together about 10 months, and one night we were talking about how much we love each over and how easy it was to be together, etc.. We don’t remember which of us brought it up first, but it was something like “well I guess it makes sense that we get married then, huh?”, and then, “why wait?”

    So we ended up getting married the next day in a private JotP ceremony, with my wife’s best friend as a witness.

    It’s been 10 years this month, and we’re even more in love than when we began, despite, and perhaps *because of* our having an… unconventional lifestyle. It just works, and my home life is pretty awesome.

  8. We dated for 2 weeks and have been married for 12 years. She is the love of my life and still gives me butterflies everyday

  9. Started dating at 18. Proposed a little over a year latter and got married at 21. Been married for 39 years. We have our ups and downs but we are both happy

  10. We been together since 2014 and got married in 2021. Can’t speak for everybody else, but me personally, I need to be with somebody for longer than 2-3 years before I talk about marrying them, gotta live with them too. That’s a really big step to be taking and I need to be *100% sure* I wanna be waking up next to you for the rest of my life

  11. Dated for 18 months before getting married.

    Been married for 20 years now.

    Things are seriously awesome. I can confidently say, she is the reason I love life.

  12. Proposed six months in, we married three months later. Been married 4 years now. It’s been good.

  13. Met 10/83. “Exclusive” immediately although we didn’t categorize it that way

    Married 5/87. My employer was transferring me so it was marry or break up.

    Still married, still in love

  14. Dated for one year, lived together for one year, engaged for one year, and now married for 16. So far so good

  15. We got married 20 months after we met and celebrated our 31st anniversary a few months ago, so it’s going quite well, thank you very much for asking.

  16. Been together for 14 yrs since high school joint bank account n everything. Not married cuz I can’t afford a ring for size 13 let alone a wedding 😒

  17. Got married 8 months into the relationship. I was 34 and she was 31. We were both in a place to settle down and have dated around enough to know that we are very compatible esp on the big things in life. Been married for about 3 years and it’s great.

  18. I moved into her neighborhood when we were kids. She’s 3 years younger, but we hung out quite a bit. We dated off and on for 8 years. I was drafted and was gone 2 years. About a month after I was out, we got together, and a few months later, we were married, over 52 years ago. It’s going very well.

  19. Married my wife a little over a month after meeting. We’re 11 years in and doing very well.

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