This feels like a surreal thing to ask. I just moved to college yesterday and this foreign tourist guy asked if we could grab some coffee. Normally I would say no but given I was so startled when he asked me for my number, I just asked for his Instagram instead. Just now he messaged me if I like wine? He didn’t really strike me as creepy when we met but now I’m curious if he just wants to fuck (most probably the case). I have no other friends in this town so no one to contact. Should I just wing it or not?

  1. Don’t do it. It sounds like you only gave your info because he caught you by surprise, not because you have any interest. It’s really important that you become comfortable saying “no.” Focus on making friends at your college 🙂

  2. It’s always better to prioritize your safety first, especially when encountering random strangers

    It might be a good idea to exercise caution and potentially find alternative ways to meet new people in your new town.

  3. You have approximately 5% chance to get murdered/raped 95% to get to know someone new. It’s up to you

  4. I wont go to his house, but if the vibe was right when you 2 met.
    Ask him to go somewhere instead of meeting at his place.

  5. He probably does want to fuck you. But if you”re down just meet him in a cafe or public first. Get to know him and don’t take things too fast. This might be love or just a one night stand. Just know what you want and communicate

  6. Meet up in a public place where there are other people around. Don’t meet up privately with random strangers.

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