Have any of you ladies experienced your husband moaning during sleep? The moaning sounds sexual as well. My husband snores but he also does this moaning noise & I recorded & let him hear it & he was like “oh wow, that’s weird”. Just was wondering if anyone else’s spouse experiences this.

  1. I’m sure it’s nothing, but you could always take a peek downstairs to see if it’s sexual . Maybe an opportunity to show some love.

  2. I do this. It’s while dreaming and attempting to mutter/talk in your sleep. He’s a having an intense dream-probably a fighting match. Lol

  3. My wife talks in her sleep. Laughs. Told me we had to go meet the wizard-man.

  4. This reminds me of the scene in Modern Family when Gloria gets upset at her husband for moaning in his sleep lol

  5. My fiancé says sometimes I literally hump the air in my sleep when I’m extra randy 💀(fwiw, I have a vagina).

  6. Hubs only moans in his sleep when I rub his back, shoulders, arms, or chest.

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