She (call her Charlotte) and my brother are trying to lose weight for wedding the day before Halloween. She’s kind of a bigger girl and loves to drink and honestly has zero will power much to the knowledge of everyone. I am doing the same, naturally so I look good in my wedding guest dress and because I’m seeing relatives I haven’t seen in *years*. Charlotte sent me funny memes about dieting and how she’s terrible at it. She went to Dave Portnoy’s pizza festival and before told me how she was ruining her diet by going. So I said “Don’t go then. Sell your tickets”. And I told her what I was eating and that I was working out.

She got so angry, she called my sister, put me on blast and said “I don’t get why SHE is dieting and working out. It’s MY wedding, who is she trying to impress!?” Much to my sisters appall, who said “Charlotte…. Every girl wants to look good in their dress. That’s not weird at all. You’re a girl, and should understand that.”

And then Charlotte went on to say I must be anorexic because I’m fasting and not eating anything bad and working out everyday. 🙄 There’s this jealousy within Charlotte, so much so that she will try to put you down if she thinks you’re doing better than her. In every area of your life. I don’t like her, my bf doesn’t like her because she was rude to him when he said he was getting his bachelors and kept saying “No *bfs name* NO! You need a masters, a bachelors won’t do anything for you. Don’t even bother going to school if you’re only going to get a bachelors”.

Even my brothers friends don’t like her. My uncle was like “nah, I’d drop her.” when he met her at my sisters graduation. Charlottes hates my other brother because he didn’t give her the time of day, and she constantly told me how she hated him. Meanwhile up talked her older sister and how wonderful she was. The girls a nightmare!

My parents are “eh” about her too, and claim she’s just “weird” because she’s from Poland and doesn’t understand how to talk to Americans and so she sounds rude (she’s been here for 20 years). Though they admit she gossips and warned us never to tell her anything we don’t want getting back to others. My bf put that theory in the grave when he said one of his friends from school was polish and he and his family were nothing like Charlotte, and it’s just a Charlotte thing.

I don’t want this girl in my life. And I’m annoyed by her. She is two faced and gossips. She is rude to everyone.

TL;DR: Brothers fiancé is from Poland. She is rude and condescending. She made angry remarks that I’m losing weight for her wedding bc she’s jealous. Many of relatives and bf don’t like her. My parents claim it’s her polish heritage and language barrier that makes her seem rude. Though they admit she gossips and not to tell her stuff. I don’t want her in my life. And it sucks.

  1. Stop texting her. Stop engaging.

    If you don’t want her in your life, then stop letting her be in it more than necessary. You don’t need to give her advice about her diet, she doesn’t need to know you are on a diet.

    You can engage when your brother is around, but you by no means need to have one on one texts unless necessary.

  2. Try grey rock with her. Basically be that super boring conversationalist. Short boring answers, no questions, never offer information.

    How are you? Fine. She’s going somewhere? That’s nice. Sent a meme? Ignore it. Called out? Sorry, life is keeping you busy. What with? Oh, you know.

    Keep calls short (oh, someone is at the door/calling), take a long time to respond to messages.

  3. What’s the question? What to do with her?

    > “No bfs name NO! You need a masters, a bachelors won’t do anything for you. Don’t even bother going to school if you’re only going to get a bachelors”.

    Uh, he needs to get a bachelor’s degree b4 getting his masters IF he wants to get ’em.

    Unfortunately, you will have this girl in your life (at least, until your brother got tired of her and got a divorce, I suppose)… Just don’t tell her about you dieting anymore. Let her do whatever. Stop engaging with her. Stop sharing any personal/important info around her or with her.

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