25F, extremely high sex drive that makes me choose the fuckbois all the time. I’m working on my healing right now, I know these men aren’t just the problem, the problem is me as well.

Currently, I want a stable relationship where I feel loved & not objectified every second. I’m so done with the meaningless thing & I hate being in this position again.

I met this guy last year through an app; he wanted to date me but I wasn’t ready. We hooked up a few times, but I ghosted him a lot, like a lot & he kept texting me, chasing me, complimenting my pics, but I wasn’t interested. We reconnected 2-2.5 months ago & been hooking up since quite a lot of times & now I felt attached so I told him, but his reaction to the feeling was just blah. I got the hint that he wants just good sex & I confronted, he said “I like how things are rn.” So I get the point, but he would still be hitting me up texting me, complimenting me, but I know these tricks. I really wanna let him go now but he’s so good in bed, like the best I have ever had. What to do? Ugh.

Looking for advice on how to let go of someone who’s the best in bed but bad for your heart/emotions?

  1. It sounds like you’re not exclusive in any way. Just look for someone better while still getting your needs met.

    If you feel like you’re falling for this guy and need to stop talking to him because of that, then it doesn’t matter how good he is, just stop talking to him before it hurts even more.

  2. Growth takes time! You know the right thing to do. You know you won’t be able to focus on finding what you actually want while you continue this relationship. I’ve been there though and looking back, I still feel very understanding of my past self. I wish I’d had the self control to end things earlier but I didn’t and who could blame me? Or you? Just remember that the sooner you do right by you, the sooner you’re going to find sex that’s 100x better than this because it’s going to come with the loving, caring relationship you’re looking for. Good luck!

  3. Credit to you for realizing that you have growing to do too though. That’s the hardest first step.

  4. It’s hard to heal in a place that hurts you.
    If this is not what you want, there are plenty of good people that are good lays too.

  5. You want something different out of your life than you have now, right?

    Then stop doing what you have always done, expecting a different result.

    The tools you have been using so far to manage your life are no longer working. Therapy is about developing new tools when the old ones aren’t working anymore.

    You are almost certainly substituting sex for love and genuine affection and sex for emotional connect. Time to try something new.

    Good luck, you deserve to be loved the way you want.

  6. There are are good guys out there, stable nice guys, who are kinky as fuck with high libidos.

    I speak from personal knowledge.

  7. I think that you like him because he doesn’t want compromise

    Being with a better guy would need you to make an effort, improve yourself, be better

    And many girls don’t want to do that

    Some girls prefer the guy who doesn’t want to change you, because it’s easy

    And yeah, the sex it’s great, all the sex it’s great, there are literally tons of guy good at sex, but it’s just an excuse

  8. > I met this guy last year through an app; he wanted to date me but I wasn’t ready. We hooked up a few times, but I ghosted him a lot, like a lot & he kept texting me, chasing me, complimenting my pics, but I wasn’t interested.

    OP have you considered this is the reason why you keep ending up with fuckbois? I mean this is exactly how fuckbois act. If you want a decent guy then maybe just maybe stop playing games.

    He wanted to date. You didn’t. You played games. So now he’s playing games.

  9. I’m 67 and my friend is also. Both retired and work security. He loves hooking up with 50 year old divorced woman. They never commit, just like a big cock

  10. You’ll figure out that there are more and better bests in bed that won’t have you feeling like you’re wasting your time with someone who’s bad for you.

  11. So you didn’t want him?

    You played games with him.

    He kept chasing.

    Sex is bomb.

    You start catching feels.

    He doesn’t want a relationship now?

    Ma’am you fucked around and found out

  12. Here’s the thing many high-sex-drive women overlook. There are plenty of good dudes out here that are extremely freaky in bed with high sex drives as well. The F-boys are the ones who get most of the attention from you likely because of superficial reasons. & it seems like you have commitment issues that need to be worked on.

    Saying all of that, just find you a nice guy and treat him well. You’ll get what you want so long as you’re willing to change and humble yourself (work on those issues).

    And I’ll say this again, the quiet good guys are the biggest freaks. They’ll make sure you’re sexually fulfilled while simultaneously treating you right… and we’re everywhere.

  13. Get a grip and gain a hold of your urges, you let them control you and now want a pat. Take some accountability and see why you crave sex so much and deal with that before you start to mess about with others when you have no idea about yourself. Start from within and work out

  14. Truth is you need therapy and maturing don’t get with a good guy right now because you’ll just ruin things your not emotionally mature enough for what you want which is why you keep getting the dudes you get

  15. There’s a very strong likelihood that ghosting men makes them feel disrespected which is usually the point where men toss away their respect for the girl. Once that happens one can’t expect to be considered anything more than a cum dumpster. And that’s why he’s probably content to use you like a peace of meat with zero interest in living up to any expectations you have.

  16. At least these guys are little bit honest.. because they are not getting sex in the in name of love.. they are getting sex.. only because of they want and you want sex.. but you cant make conscious relationship with them..because those who see you just as object for sex these people is not good for your life and mind.. so please leave them…

    And you are not just a body.. you are conscious being you want those people who loves you…irrespective of how sexy you are….find someone who inherit compassion inside his heart towards human bieng, animals and envoirnment…only these type of person can see you not only body..you are more than that you are conscious being..

  17. Keep getting railed while you date and then when you meet “the one,” ghost the fuck boi

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