im 5’2 220 kg and have no “ass”, ive been hooking up with this guy (hes skinny) (hes not my bf) for months already but

-I am still shy about my body i would always have a long shirt on i feel concious too when he goes down there because my inner thighs are very dark and i would think that it would taste bad i would also tell him to turn off the lights but he would turn them on anyways

– i want to film what were doing but im shy to ask

how to feel confident because i feel like we would both enjoy more if im more comfortable with my body

  1. Ultimately comfort in your own skin has to start with you- its great to get compliments and reassurance, but you can’t rely on someone else to make you feel comfortable ultimately

    As for inner thighs being dark and tasting bad? I don’t get that association at all. If you’re concerned, just make sure you’ve showered and cleaned properly.

  2. Sometimes you have to fake confidence before you actually develop confidence. He’s aware of what your body looks like. You’re not fooling him into thinking you have a booty just because you have clothes on lol he’s aware and he doesn’t care, he probably likes it. Allow him to admire your body.

    Get comfortable taking your shirt off first before you ask to film. Maybe consider some soft, dim lighting to ease you into having the lights on. Overhead lights are harsh and not flattering. Maybe even some soft candle light. Set the mood to allow yourself to feel sexy. And ultimately, just remember that he’s into you, he finds you attractive. Surrender to that and embrace it.

  3. Hey babe! Fellow fatty here and I’m sorry you’re getting some really shit comments.

    I know this is incredibly cliche but confidence does really come from within. I have been fat since puberty, and it took until I was about 26 or so to finally feel good about myself and my appearance. Some things that REALLY helped me were following other fat women on social media, looking at porn with fat bodies, and taking pics of myself when I felt my best. Writing or speaking affirmations helped as well. (Examples for your case would be “I am worthy of love and sex as I am now” or “I deserve to feel pleasure” – sounds silly maybe but it really helped me)

    Please know that if someone is having sex with you, they wanna be there. They want to see you.

    Also – hyperpigmentation is normal and happens to a lot of people and has nothing to do with hygiene! Make sure you’re clean and dry completely after a shower and you’re good to go!

    Best of luck ❤️

    Edited to add – y’all can downvote me all you want but it won’t change the fact that fat people exist and deserve happy and fulfilling lives and that includes having good sex. Die mad about it 🥰

  4. You could always just try to have the mindset of “if he’s having sex with me, it’s bc he’s attracted to me and likes my body”.

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