These days I am busy with all projects and exams stuff
Sometimes I just think it is not fair that a 22-years-old girl spend 94% of her life time studying. And I totally feel the lack of human relationships in my life!

:))))) 💅🏼

  1. Well, then it is up to you to find a way to manage both work and socializing. You are in control of what you do and don’t do. Not us.

    Also, life ain’t fair. But guess what, you will suffer in your future if you stop working hard now and become a bum. Your reputation in this world is tied to what you do and produce. Don’t be a lazy bum. Work hard ! Chase excellence.

  2. Hang in there, girl! The struggle is real, but all your hard work will pay off

    Don’t forget to make time for self-care and some much-needed socializing too! 💪📚🍻

  3. You are right, it is unfair. They have deliberately constructed the system like this. While you are at your youngest and most energetic, they make you sit inside and study to drain your mental and physical health. Then, by the time you are finished studying you are too tired and old to enjoy life.

    Lmao alright I’ll stop. Just try and find a balance is all I can really say, I know it’s difficult but that’s why I say ‘try’ lol. Anyways, good luck!

  4. Give yourself a goal as a reward to finishing your studies, personally I was getting burnt out and backpacking Australia went from a dream to I’m going to do that, I started talking about it to others and eventually 3 of us did it together because neither of us wanted to do it alone… eventually we all found jobs, met new people and went separate ways… it’s what I did anyway?

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