As a single unmarried man, I often get reject by landlords in India’s metro cities when looking for apartments to rent. Often they only want to rent to “families”. Is this a thing in the US ?

  1. Legally no, that would be considered discrimination in the US. Landlords still discriminate, but they can’t be open about it. I’ve never heard of landlords discriminating against single people here. Here it’s usually race and sexuality.

  2. It’s against the law in the US for landlords to discriminate based on familial status.

  3. I’m sure there are people who would discriminate for all kinds of reasons but this would probably be against the Fair Housing Act. The act says it’s illegal to discriminate based on race, color, national origin, sex, religion, physical or mental disability, and familial status.

    Familial status is usually meant to imply that you’re not going to be denied for being pregnant or having children but I think it could broadly be applied to a single person.

  4. That would be against the Fair Housing Act. American landlords are actually more likely to discriminate against people with children as they are more likely to be noisy and messy.

  5. It they have a vacant house or apartment and you have the money you’re usually good. If you’re undesirable they’ll deny you in certain places, but it’s mostly drug related. If you look like trouble sometimes they won’t bother. But if you’re normal you’re good.

    It usually goes on feel during the initial meeting. They won’t outright say this, but having a criminal background or coming from drug rehab will get you denied in nicer places. Especially if you just give off a certain “vibe”

  6. It’s technically illegal to deny for that reason but they could likely find another reason as a loophole to avoid renting to someone that doesn’t meet their unvoiced criteria

  7. While I’m sure they exist, it’s not common. In addition to being illegal, landlords here are generally just concerned about getting a return on their investment. And given how big a chunk of our population is single, I’d imagine it would get tough to have that policy.

  8. I’m 56 and I’ve been renting for my entire adult life. I have never, ever heard this. Not a single time. I can’t imagine even why a landlord would prefer a family over a single person because families mean children and children can often damage things more than an adult will. This is completely new to me and I can’t imagine it happens very much at all, especially since it’s illegal in the first place.

  9. I think a landlord would rather rent to a single person since they will likely bring less destruction and wear to a dwelling. But from my experience, landlords don’t care as long as you can pay.

  10. In my experience it’s more common to discriminate against college aged folks than families (families are a lot protected class here). When my husband was looking to move out of dorms in Chicago it was a bitch and a half finding a place as no landlords wanted to rent to a group of college aged men.

  11. I think a landlord in the US would welcome a single professional over a family. Less wear and tear, less noise, less parking issues, etc.

  12. As a landlord, I personally would rather rent to a single person or childfree couple than a family with children as children are destructive. Unfortunately that is illegal in the US so as long as you can prove your income, you’re golden.

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