Okay so I have hooked up with this person twice and i went down on her both times. I was operating under the understanding that if I have no active sores then I’m not contagious. I’ve also heard this from other people. I did not disclose that I’ve gotten cold sores in the past because I just didn’t think about it.

However after some googling I see that this is serious and I need to disclose before having sex with anyone. I need advice on how to call her up and disclose but, also make it clear that I have no active cold sores and I’m disclosing now because I realized it was wrong. I’ve only met her twice so I don’t know how to do it. I’m prepared for any reaction I just don’t know how to go about it.

  1. It’s great your going to have the talk. Stress that the odds of her contracting without an active outbreak are low…just be prepared for negativity. A lot of ppl don’t understand and unless it’s a more serious type relationship rejection could be a high possibility. Just know your not alone.

  2. Cold sores is herpies and usually hsv 1. Most people have this already but not all. If she already has hsv1 also then you are unlikely to give it to her in a new location. Cross infection and auto innoculation tends to happen before people develop antibodies.

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