husbands birthday is coming up and I dread it. he is emotionally and mentally abusive towards me and the last thing I want to do is celebrate him. what my quandary is do I have to do something for the sake of the kids. my kids are already growing up with a warped sense of what a marriage is and what a family is as all they have seen is conflict. I am at a loss as to what to do.. Any advice. I am all ears??

  1. Sorry about the situation. I guess all I would say is try to separate how he treats you with how you treat him. If he treats you poorly, that makes him a bad spouse. How you treat him is a reflection of who you are as a spouse. Of course, you deserve to be treated better, but don’t treat him worse just because he is not where you want him to be yet.

    But, if you find that you don’t have the love to share with him because you are hurt from his abuse, perhaps it is also time to think about ending the relationship. It’s not healthy for children to see a parent being abused by the other parent.

  2. Please just get out of there. The kids may not understand it today but they will eventually understand it a lot more clearly, if you took the high road and protected them instead of pretending or letting him drag you down

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