Guys, what’s a cute or flirty or loving text message you’d love to receive from a female crush?

  1. One woman that was texting me began starting with “I was thinking about you and then I saw <something actually pertinent to something I’d said before>” as an opener. Went from kinda interested to female crush in like two seconds.

  2. First message: “How much should a person think about another person if they’ve got a crush on them?”

    If he’s keen, this will get him excited and release the butterflies etc.

    You can either wait for a response, or immediately follow it up with a second message a few seconds later saying:

    “Because that’s about how much I think about you”.

  3. She said come over so I can make you a home cooked meal…that was 20yrs ago…still stuck with me 🤣…maybe the one that got away 🤣

  4. I play guitar, so…

    “I was walking home and went past a music shop…and it reminded me of you. Now I can’t stop thinking about you”.

    Bada bing bada boom.

  5. “Good morning” is usually pretty nice to wake up to

    Especially since it means I don’t have to be the one to always initiate

  6. When I was dating, texting didn’t exist. So now, TBH, I have no idea what someone could send me.

    My texts from my wife mostly consist of stuff like “Can you pick up X on the way home?” It’s not a way we communicate about anything important.

  7. Not a guy but I texted my crush “I was just thinking about you and wanted to make sure you’re ok” when he was out sick. I wonder what he was thinking after that lol..

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