So basically I am in relationship with a girl age 25 !
Everything is good sex and taste ! But when I try to come close to her ear or try to say something sexually she got triggered ! She never allows me to come that close or touch her ear lobe ! I tried to talk to her but she skip the conversation
Any suggestions ?

  1. I’d chill with the accusations of something being wrong with her

    Sounds like there may be some trauma here. I’ve got a friend who doesn’t like her ear whispered in because of that.

  2. There could be many reasons, but why don’t you just stop getting all in her ear? It’s a pretty simple solution, maybe you are talking to low and your voice is tickling her and she has like sensory overload or something or maybe she had a bad experience in the past where someone was talking in her ear and she was uncomfortable 🤷‍♀️ whatever it is, if someone is uncomfortable with something during sex, you cut it out and you don’t push the issue.

  3. No, what is wrong with you?

    She’s just not comfortable sharing exactly why her ear and you speaking into them so close like that is off limits.

    She’s entitled to not want to explain that straight off the bat.

    You having more patience with her and giving her, her space, so respecting that boundary is what you can do to make her feel relaxed enough to maybe sometime in the future share why that is.

    Until then, learn to know when someone is not into something by their sheer unwillingness to do it, follow through with actions that acknowledge their aversion to certain activities and make peace with that without the need to be forceful about it.

  4. It could be as simple as she doesn’t like it but If it’s trauma-based then it is likely to be extremely difficuly to talk about for her ( as in, her brain may prevent her from being able to do it by causing overwhelming feelings of shame, nausea, anxiety, flashbacks etc). Leave her ear alone, and give her time. I know it is annoying to you not to know but this is likely something she has little control over or is trying desperately not to think about for fear of falling into trauma symptoms. She may feel safe enough to tell you one day but keep in mind that you aren’t entitled to the information. She may be trying to keep her own emotional health safe by choosing not talk about it.

  5. To be honest though. If you were 25 factorial years old you probably also wouldn’t want to listen to the dirty talk

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