I’m newly engaged and have zero idea as to what I want regarding the ceremony/reception/anything and every time my fiancé brings it up we fight because I never gave my future wedding any thought growing up. Any tips?

  1. Hire a wedding coordinator so neither of you have to stress about the minutia the day of.

    Financially don’t cripple yourselves for this.

    Go with the flow, nothing really matters except you had fun the day of with your loved ones.

  2. Wife and I wanted something really small and intimate. We were both in strong agreement that we wanted focus on the marriage and NOT the wedding. Well….She was the last sibling to get married and was going to be the only daughter to have an actual wedding. Her older sister sort of ran off and eloped. So this was going to be the last kid to get married and only time her dad would walk a daughter down the aisle. My inlaws and everyone are good people but jesus fucking christ, people get weird about weddings.

    We worked really hard to keep it simple with what was going to be a large turnout. There was none of that superfluous cosplaying bullshit of brides maids and groomsmen. No flower girl or ring bearer. None of that. We probably would’ve broke with tradition and either walked down the aisle together or something different and not so formal. But her dad wanted that moment of walking a daughter down the aisle. But overall it was her sister, mom, aunts and cousins that did all the planning for the reception. There were over 500 people there. It was a good time.

  3. Go with whatever she wants! If she asks your opinion on something, open up the conversation more and see what her’s is and go with it! Throw in a few small ideas that have meaning to you both, like I met my wife at a Starbucks, and love espresso martinis, so said that I’d like to have a coffee bar and barrista at ours, Lmao, but seriously….

  4. My wife handled the bulk of it. When she asked for input, I’d ask questions so that I could generate an opinion. What are the options? What did she think? What does she see as pros/cons of the different options? Even if you haven’t given it any thought, you can still show interest in how things will happen. She probably doesn’t feel like you’re showing interest, which is what is frustrating her.

  5. We ended up eloping in secret but I tried to plan a little when we were trying to do a ceremony thing. I was more concerned about the money than what was actually happening though. I asked to pick the venue because I knew of one I could use for free, for example. I’m not the kind of person to pick what flowers at what tables or whatever, I don’t know where to even start. We eloped, took the wedding budget and put a down payment on a new car, a bigger place, a small honeymoon, and put the rest towards finishing her degree.

  6. I said I want to elope, she agreed but changed her mind. After that, I told her to take care of the planning and I’ll show up. No planning

  7. I feel like I’m not doing much.
    She asks questions and I give input.

    Her “What do you want the wedding colors to be?”

    Me:” I like light green”

    Her: “I light pastel pink, nice, it will be a pastel wedding”

    Her: “I kinda want this vibe, I want there to be a tea service, what do you think.”

    Me: “I do like sweet tea babe, that sounds fine with me, I like it”

    She has most of the ideas, I just give input.

  8. I went to a tasting, picked one of 4 tuxedos my wife selected, and wrote an occasional check. Wife handled the rest.

  9. I asked my fiance who wanted the wedding: where and when? That was all the preparation i did. Oh, i purchased wedding suit which took half of the day.

  10. We got married on a cruise ship.

    They sent a check off list that took us about 15 minutes to go through. Was pretty stress free.

  11. Ask them specifically what they want you to take of. Then once you know, ask if there is anything specific they want in relation to those items. Once you have your ideas, run them by them before actually implementing them.

  12. We eloped to Las Vegas. Super easy. Then had a happily ever after party with our families a couple months after that.

  13. I had never thought of it either.

    We just talked about it and started exploring options. Then booked a church, reception hall, DJ, florist, baker, invitations, etc. Everything just fell into place and we had a blast.

  14. guys never plan their wedding. It is the bride who does the plan for the reason she is the center of attention in the ceremony

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