Me and my boyfriend have been together for a little over a month and in 2 weeks we’re gonna go on a weekend getaway together, which means we’ll spend the night together and he’ll get to see me without makeup. I don’t wear tons of makeup so it’s not like I’m a completely different person, however my skin is going trough a rough time and I’m struggling with acne. It used to be worse in the past, but now it doesn’t look great either. I feel embarassed to show my bare face to him. Would you be less attracted to your girlfriend if you would see her completely bare faced for the first time and she had acne?

  1. No, everyone goes through it and some unfortunately have it longer-term. I dont think it makes the person less attractive.

  2. >Would you be less attracted to your girlfriend if you would see her completely bare faced for the first time and she had acne?

    No, I would not be less attracted. I see plenty of girls with acne, some with very bad acne, that I think are cute.

  3. Nope! I would feel a bond and an instant conversation starter as I dealt with cystic acne before I got on Accutane, still deal with scarring but it is what it is.

  4. I wouldn’t be turned off, unless it was severe. Additionally, as long as you’re trying to better your skin condition, then that’s all that matters. Acne is temporary (for the most part).

  5. I def have below average skin, have all my life. if he likes you he will not care. you probably don’t care about his imperfections, it should be the same.

    however I am always seen without makeup, as a caveat.

  6. It would come off as natural … only if they looked like literal red tumor like I would suggest to visit a doctor and say “let’s continue after that” XD

  7. As a woman who also suffers with acne/spots on their face, back and chest – I can honestly say, if he did for some reason find you unattractive because of it, you therefore dodged a red flag. He should love and want to be with you for who you are and not just what you look like – (I know that’s easy to say and not do, I suffer from terrible anxiety so don’t let people see me without my makeup) however, people can be found who value you for more, don’t stress yourself 🩵

  8. Have you been to a dermatologist – sometimes its just a simple prescription for low level antibiotics that will clear it up

  9. DON’T feel embarrassed. I actually prefer females not to wear any makeup. Especially lipstick, it tastes terrible. If he starts acting differently because of the acne, then you know that he just may not be the one for you. Heck, I’m much older than you I’m sure, and I still get acne once in a while. The acne is telling you that your body is in need of being detoxed. It’s human nature.

  10. Acnes aren’t permanent, sometimes it could be discussing but so long as you take your skin care routine seriously it shouldn’t be a turn off.

  11. No. I’m more turned off by tons of makeup. It probably also helps that I grew up with very bad acne so for me it’s not an issue.

  12. Go to you’re local Sephora and purchase the ordinary niacinamide serum… it cleared my stubborn acne in 3 days!!!

  13. I found the love of my life while going through the worst phase of acne i have ever had. Thank goodness it is gone now. In the grand scheme of things looks are not the best thing u can bring to a relationship

  14. Breath and enjoy your time.

    Acne will come and go. What matters is your personality and how you click with your boyfriend in this new relationship.
    I wish you a fabulous trip.

  15. Hell no. My wife has always struggled with acne. Sure, I notice and appreciate when her skin is more clear. But it has never bothered me when it isn’t. She’s still the beautiful woman that I love and can’t get enough of.

  16. We can see your acne through your makeup. We just don’t care and if someone does, fuck ’em.

  17. Absolutely not, and if he judges you for your acne he’s not someone you’d want to be with anyways. It’s better to find someone who will love everything about you

  18. Man I got a ton of acne. On my back, shoulder, and face. Even my neck now! It’s worst than it’s ever been (thanks, birth control) I’m finally getting it under control after over a year of having it really badly. I’m still covered, they’re just smaller and pop up less frequent. My boyfriend still has always found me hot even on my worst day.

    Acne happens to everyone. And if it’s hormonal, there’s only so much you can do and if you can fix it, it takes forever to find something that works. If he can’t handle you with acne, a normal thing humans get, he’s not worth it. But yes, people can still be fully attracted to you with a natural face with acne.

  19. I guess it depends what it looks like. I’ll probably be downvoted for saying anything other than “no you’re beautiful and gorgeous” even if you looked like a fossilised lizard but for me (and for everyone else if they were honest – if it’s not an issue at all then why take medication to get rid of it??) there are of course limits and particular looks that could be a turn off. However, some acne on someone I’m otherwise attracted to is not that big of a deal particularly I’d know it’s temporary anyway. Unless it was unbelievably bad I can’t imagine it would actually change anything, and he may already know despite the makeup.

  20. Don’t worry about it so much. If you’re going on a trip together, HE LIKES YOU. Focus on that.

  21. Personally red flag for me if you hide your real self.

    I get it first two dates are kinda big on how u look and all. But if the girl comes as a different girl altogether, I am out of it.

    And no one is ideas ever. Acne are a part of human body’s actions and if the other person doesn’t accepts it, you are better away from that person.

  22. I had this fear too. 7 years later, he still loves me. If you’ve met that right person- they won’t care. Everyone has bodies, and everyone’s body does it’s things. Vulnerability can be a wonderful intimate experience.

  23. If he’s turned off it’s a red flag he should like you for you and not how u look

  24. So how much would it turn you off if someone was turned on by popping the whiteheads and treating them like Dr. Lee?

  25. im a woman so idc how much this answer counts but i actually find acne really cute

  26. Nope. My ex had worse acne than I ever did a couple years ago. If you are that concerned with it, I would recommend accutane.

  27. yeah if it was you. anybody else i wouldn’t care but if it was you i’d be horrified and throw up or something like that. hope this helps

  28. You think that’s what he’s thinking about for the weekend getaway? Rock his world. Stop worrying about this.

  29. I’ll say this, I’d rather some acne on my girlfriend than her putting on weight.

  30. You being stressed about it is prolly just making it worse. I think being alone and the thought height be getting “some” will probably actively avert his attention away from your acne.

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