How do you deal with the fact your ugly ?

  1. You work on improving in other aspects. Ugly mug? Hit the gym, get in shape, dress well, kill it in the job department, etc.

  2. You make yourself look the best you can. Gym, diet, manage your hair, dress well, shower and after that you probably aren’t ugly at all.

  3. You’re never as ugly as you think. Studies have shown that other people find us 30% more attractive than we actually see ourselves.
    If that doesn’t work for your mind, just develop attractive qualities. Politeness and respect get you far. Train your speech also. And why not a couple of jokes?

  4. I have so much else going for me, being ugly is probably more of a blessing than a curse in my life anyway.

  5. I sit in a closet. Pray to the gods that I looked better. Things race though my mind at speeds faster than gas. Suddenly a creak. A small light appears and poof. I transform into a beautiful man. All of my fantasties have been realized. Now I’m off to fuck your mom. This a crazy question. The real answer is ugly is a word. To be ugly is to hurt people on purpose. There is always someone for everyone. Just have to get the confidence to get out there. Women are just as scared of us as we are of them.

  6. I try to be a good person. If I’m ugly well at least I won’t be a asshole.

  7. Beauty is subjective but also I’m funny and can have good quick banter and that helps out a ton! So I’m not too worried about my looks since I know I can make people laugh and being funny is attractive af so I try to work on that alot 🙂

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