So I’m in my mid 30s. I have psychological ED caused by some grief trauma and arguments with my wife. We’ve addressed some of those issues and I feel I’m in a better emotional place with her. However my penis has quite caught up and I still have issues.

I spoke to my physician and urologist. Physical causes were ruled out and they prescribed sildenafil and tadalafil. These helped a lot. They also support the “psychological ED” theory since a few times I was too anxious for them to work.

I have a few questions:

1. How can I deal with the shame of using the pills? I don’t think I *need* them but see them as an “insurance policy.” My wife isn’t completely thrilled about the pills. While our sex life has improved since taking them, she is concerned about me using them so young. Also they do get in the way of spontaneity, which I get.

2. Are there any risks to using them? I have had any negative side effects, but I don’t want to become psychologically dependent on them. Have anyone used pills to help them through a rough spot and then able to go off them?

3. I’m using a few programs with CBT exercises and the like to fix the psychological aspects of my problem. One of them is called Mojo and another is Oom+. Has anyone had success with these?

  1. Daily Cialis and then you don’t have to plan when you take it.

    Decrease dosage over several months and see what works and if you need it or not.

  2. Her concerns are invalid. Regarding spontaneity you can switch to Cialis as it works for up to 36 hours. These medications do not cause dependence at all. You don’t have to tell her you are taking anything because she will always think you have erection because of medication and not because you find her attractive which will mentally block her from enjoying sex

  3. There’s no shame dude. They are practically a party drug now.

    There are risks, as with any meds. You can look them up for whichever one you plan to take. You can totally get into your head and think you need them more than you do.

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