I (24m) have been talking/exclusive with (20f) for about 6-7 months now who lives an hour apart from me. ive been in this sort of rut for a month now about how i feel and what i want to do with furthering our relationship. i know she wants to date and be more so official. i mean she loves me and i love her but i dont think im in love with her. shes great, awesome, and has the same kind of humor as me. where my mind goes foggy though is when i think about the future and if our lives can works together. she is still in college and will be for a little while. with saying that, she lives the kind of “college lifestyle” in a sense, but not to the fullest degree. i want to be a professional/competitive bodybuilder. with wanting to do that, i cant really be around all the partying so much anymore. this is kind of thing would really require my full attention.

i havent talked or mentioned anything about my feelings because i know its just gonna hurt her. ive always been the type to not worry about just saying something but this time its hard because ive never been in this kind of situation. how do i go about talking to her about it? should i wait and see if my feelings will change? i just feel so bad and wrong for what it seems like stringing her on.

TL;DR- i am having second thoughts/mixed feelings about my relationship and im not sure what i should do.

1 comment
  1. Maybe let her know that you are not ready to commit anytime soon. Or if you really feel this way it’s going to hurt but cut it off it is for the best trust me better than doing it way later down the line.

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