how does it feel to have erectile dysfunction

  1. Miserable. Because you’ve got a lot of internal turmoil going on, but you have to put that on hold to console her for an hour that she’s attractive.

  2. Don’t have it anymore after therapy, but went though a bout in my mid 20s due to a lot of stress and psychological blocks as opposed to a libido issue (which was even more frustrating because you’d want it so bad but couldn’t get it up).

    The way I’d describe it is it’s like when you’re mentally thinking about breathing, and you have to keep manually thinking about taking a breath each time and it’s super annoying.

    When you’re trying to get hard, you keep thinking about it “manually” and trying to force yourself to get hard from arousal regardless as to how horny you are. Then you start getting frantic, tense, and panicked and that makes it even worse. It sucks haha

  3. Experiencing erectile dysfunction (ED) can be emotionally challenging and have a significant impact on a person’s self-esteem, relationships, and overall well-being. Here are some common emotional and psychological experiences associated with ED

    Frustration and Anxiety: ED can be frustrating, leading to feelings of anxiety about one’s sexual performance and whether an erection will occur when desired

  4. More often than not it’s psychological. I had it when I was like 20-21. The doctors were prescribing all the pills and I was popping them like candy every day with no results for like 6 months. Did all the tests and everything was normal. In the end, the only thing that helped cure me was finding a virgin girl. I couldn’t get it up with anyone who wasn’t a virgin and embarrassed myself with at least 3 girls that year.

  5. Limp, I had it at 54, at 55, my iron came back. My wife is very happy. Viagra put me to sleep, it literally knocked me out. However those 6 pils gave me the best 6 night’s sleep I ever had

  6. I’ve had whiskey dick a few times, it’s always a bit awkward but if you’re prepared to accept it and continue the experience in alternative ways it’s not a deal breaker.

  7. It really sucks. Lost my erections completely by a testicles problem. Only after nine months limp, I now on T-suppletion my morning boners are back. And with the help of Sildenavil, I can perform sexually normal again. Believe me, no erections is not something you like.

  8. Deeply depressing. I’m remarkably hung and a sexual person but because I was raped as a kid I have a ton of psychological issues with arousal and consent.

    Therapy, radical honesty, play/rings, and medications can help.

  9. Started dating this girl and could not get it up without an injection.

    Relationship failed.

    Started working out and then went on a dating app.

    Met a woman on there. 3rd date in, sex and no problems.

    The only time I would have issues is if I am extremely tired.

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