What does self-prioritising look like for you?

1 comment
  1. I really need some help in this department. I’m mid twenties and still struggle to set boundaries and prioritise myself. The main issue is that I find it hard to put my phone away and ignore someone’s text when I need to. (Not to be spiteful, but in the name of self care). I’m riddled with anxiety and recently became aware of the fact that my nervous system is very, very unregulated. I exercise and all but my mind is usually telling me to be available to others and I barely can take a moment for myself and can’t remember the last time I truly did. If someone texts me I can’t put it out of my mind and enjoy my day until I respond. I dream about the idea of being ‘unavailable’ and envy people who say they’re not available for a certain day and actually stay true to that. I envy my friends who won’t respond for several days (as weird as that sounds) because I know that friends don’t owe me a response. So I’m asking you: how do you get into this mindset on the days that you need to? How do you stay okay with that? What kind of thoughts, actions or energies do you complete/release to help you feel free of the needs of others over time?

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