I didn’t want to post that it was my birthday on my Instagram to lower my expectations of happy birthdays. However, at the end of my birthday, around 2 am I shared a story that that was on my friends story a video of me and my twin sister blowing out our candles. It was up until the next morning. I was shocked that a few of my close friends from Los Angeles didn’t DM me happy birthday. These are friends that I spend days and days with when I visit Los Angeles a few times a year. most likely they will be my bridesmaids when I get married, that’s how close I’d say we are. I immediately deleted that story re-share in the morning because I was so depressed that those friends didn’t wish me happy birthday. One thing I like to add is that I we don’t know each other’s birthdays by heart, but when one of us posts on their story or they hard post, wewish each other happy birthday.

I still feel pretty down about it because just a few days ago it was one of their birthdays and I seen on their story but I didn’t respond because I wanted to pretend like I didn’t see the story but then she hard posted that it was her birthday ans I commented that I miss her and happy birthday and I’m thinking of her, etc.

How do I make myself feel better? I’m still pretty down about it, it’s been a few weeks. My twin sister, for example made it very clear that it was her birthday on her Instagram story and re-shared all her birthday posts, and she received happy birthdays from a lot of her friends, she said.
Do you think I didn’t receive a birthday message from my close friends because it was obvious that I wasn’t making a big deal about my birthday?
I love those girls, I just don’t understand why them didn’t dm me a happy birthday…

  1. Because they don’t respect you. Period. In order for people to recognize, appreciate, cherish, value, or respect you, there has to be something about you that they are inclined to do such things. You cannot chase and beg people to respect you.

    The reality is people care most about your social skills, what you do/accomplish in your life, and how you impact/deliver value to them. You need to establish yourself and build a good reputation in all such areas. Move on from these friends of yours, and focus on those aforementioned areas going forward.

    Merely respecting others is not enough. Begging for attention and validation won’t work. You need to start being a respectable person in terms of the way you act and carry yourself around others.

  2. I think maybe you’re looking too much into this, you said you kept a low profile for your birthday, posted a picture at 2 in the morning (most people are asleep) and you then deleted quite quickly after… I’m sure if you mentioned it once to one of these friends, word would’ve gotten out and and they would’ve remembered or known to say happy birthday… happy birthday by the way 👍

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