
I (29f) need advice on how to handle this situation. Our friendship developed very smoothly, with time and effort. She’s (24f) Probably the sweetest person I’ve met in my life, she’s super smart and funny, and I love her to pieces. Our friendship is the most beautiful friendship I’ve had in a very long time.

I live in a different country than where we met and where we are from. We both went back to our home country, but she stayed and I came back (I’ve been living here for 4 years, and my plan is to go back home next year). For now, we have been apart for almost 2 weeks.

We used to spend a lot of time together, but now I miss her a lot. She started university and has some stuff going on, and our schedules don’t seem to match anymore, so we have a problem with timing. On her end, when we call, she always talks to me about her life but, when I’m about to tell her about mine, it seems like always something comes up and she has to go (she’s either late, or somebody is calling her, or friends come to pick her up). I get that she’s busy and I’m super happy she has other friends and she goes out. I started to feel like she had no time for me, so I talked to her about how sad it made me that we couldn’t talk as much anymore and that I miss her a lot. She told me she misses me too and that she’s also sad about it, so I proposed a study session 2 days ago since we both have exams and it was her birthday, I thought it would be a nice way to spend some time together studying like we used to do.

In this study session that lasted an hour, she was texting a lot, then got up to be on the phone twice, then came back from the second call and cut it short because she had to go walk her dog. She called me during the walk and, when I was going to talk to her about something that happened, she told me she was late and I’m so important to her but she had to hang up. Later she called me on the bus and the same thing happened, she had to hang up because her mother was calling her.

Yesterday night I asked her about her birthday party. She texted me telling me how it was and asked me if I was okay and that I seemed off in the study session. I am low-key annoyed and starting to feel very hurt with this situation. I don’t know how to talk to her about it because I don’t think she even realizes what is going on, I seriously don’t think she’s doing it on purpose, since she’s constantly calling me and texting me to tell me about her life and stuff.

I don’t want to hurt her and definitely I don’t want to throw anything in her face, since I understand that she’s busy and needs time to put her life in order. I am really sad and I don’t want to lose our friendship, but this is hurting me and I don’t want it to get bigger and start feeling resentful towards her.

What should I do? How do I talk to her about it?

Edit: I know that I feel extra alone since here I don’t have a lot of friends. Some of my friends and family come to work where I live for the summer, but then they go back home of course. They all just went back and I know this is a contributing factor to how I feel.

TL;DR: My bestie went back to our home country. She has a lot going on and feels like she doesn’t have time for me anymore. I feel sad and hurt, and I don’t know how to talk to her about it without hurting her.

1 comment
  1. That’s the drift it always happens just be thankful she is still in your life and just take it day by day

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