Sometimes I think maybe I’m too comfortable saying what i really feel, or that maybe the things I talk about are just odd. I was bullied in school and the two words they used most were freak and weirdo. I think maybe that’s why it hurts even more now bc it just reminds me of being back in hs. Its just always a big hit to my self esteem.

Usually, I try to behave different than my real self when I’m around people. I mask so much I forget who i really am. It feels as if I’m not being real. But I’m worried that if I behave like my usual self, I won’t fit in. I know I’m a bit different, but being called weird fucking sucks. Makes me feel alien, and not in a cool way.

I guess finding out that I’m autistic is probably the answer as to why I’m constantly told I’m “annoying“ “odd” ext.

It stings either way, but to be told as an insult? That shit hurts.

  1. It hurts now but might end up as a point of pride later. That’s what happened to me when I realized I’m autistic. Didn’t find out until after I had my daughter

  2. What helps me is remembering that the people fixated on looking at your eyes and pathologically incapable of just saying what they mean when they mean it are the weirdos, not you.

  3. It’s okay to „weird“, do whatever you want. It’s your unique personality. There needs to be some individuality.

  4. Tbh, the masking and the fear of being yourself are more likely the causes of the “weirdness”. People are surprisingly accepting of the uniqueness of others if they are socially graceful, however acting all nervous like you’re hiding something will always make people uncomfortable. Be confident in yourself! There’s only one you! Think about your differences in a positive way and bring good vibes.

  5. Mine was annoying & weird. When anyone says it now referring to me as a joke it’s like u freeze up for a sec cuz ur so traumatized from it happening in school. Idk know your situation but everyone that i’ve seen now from highschool that has bullied me has either hit on me or tried to be nice. People genuinely hate on others because they’re insecure. You’re not weird. Everyone has odd things they do, what you talk about is definitely not one of them you’re trying and just getting shut down by people who are looking for reasons to be against you. Some of these people probably eat their boogers when they’re alone.

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