Dear Brothas, if you didn’t play games (phone, console, computer, etc) what else would you do with your time? And how much extra time would you have?

  1. In the past, I’ve lost jobs because I couldn’t quit gaming. I finally quit all games, but I see one of my employees gaming all the time, and it reminds me of my youth. I’m just curious to hear about some experiences of others.

  2. I only play to wind down at the end of the day. If it wasn’t games it would be Netflix or some other pointless shit.

  3. I would game more if I had the time. When I get a few minutes to myself I either game on console or take a nap

  4. I might actually have some real data insight into this. I’m a big gamer and watch a lot of TVs and movies. But I recently moved into a new house and I wasn’t able to get internet for 4 weeks. Those were some of the most productive 4 weeks of my life. I sanded and refinish the floors, cleaned up and renovated parts of the house, and cleaned and organized. There is no chance half of it would have been done if I had internet. It was actually quite eye opening to how much time I use (I won’t say waste, because I do enjoy my hobbies) on non productive tasks.

  5. I game for about 6 hours twice a week, while getting my sleep schedule changed over. Sometimes I don’t and do other things, projects around the house, work on my racers, watch movies or read.

  6. I use games more as a frustration release. So if I have a shit day at work. Imma give it to someone else on a shit day on the game. So if I didn’t have it…

    Hell I probably buy a axe and a bunch of logs or something to throw some pent up anger…

    But averagely I play about 2-4 hours a day. It just mixes. Weekends I might play either 6 hours or non at all just depending if anybody up for doing something. Sadly nobody wanna go out and do much these days.

  7. I don’t play games much anymore. If I were to cut them out entirely I’d just spend the time reading. I have a shelf and boxes full of books that I’m slowly making my way through.

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