My (23M) birthday is in the last week of October and I am planning to celebrate it this year for a change

The thing is I’m a shy person although friendly. I am currently trying to socialize more because I’m feeling very lonely and I’m wondering who to invite besides close friends (very few)

Is it weird to invite work acquaintances (people I like and chat but dont hang out with outside of the workplace)?

Is it weird to invite people I used to hang out long time ago (2+ years)?

How to go on about those things?

1 comment
  1. Maybe it’s obvious, but largely this depends on your personal preferences.

    From my experience, only inviting close friends can be very nice, but so are larger parties. That really depends on if you want a cozy gathering with only close friends or a larger party.

    On who to invite, I don’t think there’s anything wrong from the options you listed. In general people are never really opposed to being invited to a birthday, so if you’re on friendly terms with people at work and feel like they’d be fun to be around, why not invite them? Regarding the people you didn’t talk to in a longer time, there’s nothing weird about inviting them either. If you were on good terms with them, a birthday could be a good sort of reunion. I’m sure they’d also be happy to be invites.

    In the end, it’s your birthday and you can choose who to invite. Think about what you want the birthday to be like and who you’d want to be there. As long as you’re happy with it, there are no wrong choices here.

    Also think about a bigger party being more work to organize, but that shouldn’t hinder you from doing what you think you’d enjoy more.

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