What is the best way for an ex fling to contact you after 3-4 years since last talking/seeing each other?

  1. They can send me an email or message me on social media if they have access to do so.

    I’m very likely not to respond at all, but they are welcome to send the message if they like.

  2. If the fling was based on a relationship, then I have zero issues with any sort of communications, holiday cards, happy birthday text etc. If it was a ONS, then it might be strange… How did he find me? Why is he here. But the world is a small place and I don’t have time to burn bridges so I appreciate people saying hello if they recognize me. Even if I have not seen them in years and even if we were sexual once upon a time.

  3. The best way for anyone to contact me is by WhatsApp, which is the main app for texting where I live. Easy to block them too, so 10/10.

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