If you could choose, love or money, what would you choose and why?

  1. I’m only going to pick money because it’s a necessity. Having a financially sound present and future are ideal to sustain life. It’s more about survival rather than having x amount of dollars to splurge as I please

  2. Love is too vague but large amounts of money is a familiar friend that can buy happiness and experiences.

  3. Love, money cant buy it and true love makes money useless beyond human needs. Show me someone with love and without money and they will say they are happy, but show me someone without love and has money and they will say they are lonely. We are made for connection and not the fallacy we believe where we think our purpose is to get money as our determining factor of success. A dollar is worth a dollar but ask someone what their love is worth…

  4. Money. When something his wrong, not having money just make life miserable and screws you over. Love was nice but it didn’t help me avoid debt

  5. Money. I live my whole life without genuine love and I am fine. However in some periods of my life when I was broke I was ready to die

  6. If I was gay I might choose love, as men’s love tends to be altruistic. Women’s “love” is opportunistic, so fuck a hoe give me that dough!

  7. If I was gay I might choose love, as men’s love tends to be altruistic. Women’s “love” is opportunistic, so fuck a hoe give me that dough!

  8. Money, you can set yourself up for the rest of your life. And those that say money can’t buy love don’t know anything. Money can buy a woman’s time to create a child for you, and then you love the child. Boom. Love bought.

  9. Depends which came first. If I was already in love and in a long term relationship, I’d choose love, If I wasn’t already in love, I’d choose money since money buys safety, such as being able to afford to live in a safe neighbourhood. It’s hard to find true love so I’d have no problems excepting the money if I wasn’t already in love.

  10. Money, because I know I can’t get love the regular way, and money might help me to buy it.

  11. As a guy who spent the last ten years moving jobs for advancement and saving money to become a business owner. I’m one year in and I’ve accumulated money faster than I imagined, but now everyone in my life is either an employee or a customer. I often wish I could go back a few years and have more relationships again.

    Sorry for not giving a definitive answer

  12. I’ve made that choice, and it was love. I know too many people with decent back accounts who are just miserable bastards and I want better for me.

  13. Money.


    Economical freedom beats love any time, any hour, any day. See if she will stick with you if you lose your house or your job, but if you are rich you will never go a day without your bed being warmed up by someone else, even if that chick is only there because you are paying for it aka the wife of the President of Brazil.

  14. Money doesn’t buy you happiness, but god damn it feels better to cry in a Ferrari

  15. Yesterday, I left a high paying job in a very low cost area to transition to a lower paying job in a much more expensive area eight hours away.
    Because there is no love here. I spend my afternoons and weekends alone. My workdays, alone.
    Now I will be with my fiancé and our friends. All for the love.

  16. Love. You can always make more money but time spent is a currency you can’t make more of.

  17. Love, i know how i could make money but i dont have no idea how to get love

  18. I once asked my ex wife, “Would you divorce me in exchange for 40 million dollars?”

    She said “I would divorce you for an extra value meal.”

    To some people, money is not the thing.

    I have been in a loving relationship for 13 years and would not give it up for any amount of money.

  19. I’ll honestly pick love over money. Money can be earned, and it’s completely up to us to decide how much exactly, is ‘enough’.
    True love on the other hand, don’t come by easily. Some people spend their whole life trying to make money thinking it’s the only means of determining their self worth, only to be starved of love.
    If you think money can buy you happiness, think again. It’s true that without money, life can be rather miserable (we’re not talking about third world country kind of poverty, you get the idea). But happiness is a state of mind and it’s up to us to make do with the given situation.

  20. Money because love has a risk of whatever previous money is already there to go away. It also depends how I earn the money.

  21. Love. Make decent enough money now but will soon be making six times what I’m currently making and I’d trade it all in a heart beat to have my late wife back.

  22. “Money can buy prostitution, love can’t buy money.” -Socrates

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