Going to the gym is a common piece of advice for talking to people and being less lonely. I go to the gym daily because I like working out, but it feels like the loneliest activity I do. Everybody at the gym is there to get a workout, they don’t really seem interested in having someone walk-up and start a conversation. I go out of my way to be as social as I can too, I help people rerack their weights, give people complements, and have been in a position to give advice to newer people. When I see people I’ve talked with before I always stop by and say hi but it never goes past a quick ‘hey’ or ‘what’s up’. What are the rest of you doing that makes going to the gym such a fulfilling social opportunity?

  1. I don’t find it as a fulfilling social activity as I’m only there to get my workout in and then going home to do something more enjoyable or “productive”.

    That said for exercise and meeting people, I love hitting the basketball courts. Expanded my social circle greatly and I’ve gotten better at ball along with being invited to some closed-to-public games.

  2. I can’t speak for everyone, but I mainly go to the gym to workout, not to socialize. A better space for socializing would definitely be sports leagues and clubs.

  3. The regulars at my gym all talk to each other and are friendly with each other. I go 3-4 days a week though so thought that would be considered regular enough to at least have people talk to me. Heck, I don’t even wear headphones ffs

  4. It really depends upon what you look like. If your saying all this from a romantic point of view, you definitely can socialize with women , but in order to not come off as creepy you have to look good. As far as guys go, I feel like socializing with them at the gym can be rough .

  5. Most people who speak to each other in the gym already know each other. The gym is honestly not a great place to meet people unless you’re doing classes or a group thing. People just blindly recommend the gym for every problem, it feels like

  6. Most people there are listening to music and/or doing their own thing. I go to workout and go home. I spend about 2 hours there roughly. I personally see it as disrespectful forcing socialization with someone who’s clearly tied up and has headphones in.

  7. Martial arts can form great connections if you like the fitness aspect. Sparring and sharing techniques with others and gaining mutual respect is a great way to socialize. Also, martial artists love watching fights so if you are into you could start convos that way.

    Another good one is surprisingly bowling. It’s a turn based sport so when you aren’t playing you get to socialize with the others waiting around. It’s competitive in a mild way so it’s pretty fun actually! Also some bowling alleys have drinks you can buy so you can have a few, enjoy a few casual games and away you go!

  8. Oddly enough, I’ve met people sitting in the sauna at the gym. The same people get into a routine of going at the same time so now I have like 6 sauna buddies I talk to when I see them in there. Maybe see if your gym has any sports leagues as someone else mentioned. I’m learning the key to making friends as an adult is that you have to be a regular somewhere. Like how when you were a child, you had friends in school because you saw them at the same place all the time, so you need to find as place ever you can see the same people consistently if you want to build friendships.

  9. Interesting-I like to work out with lifting and a little cardio. Nothing heavy as I’m older now. I do a bit of talking as I’ve learned it’s the polite way to be. But for some the gym is a place to chat chat chat A social meet up place. I don’t like that but nothing you can do about it. It’s a distraction for those who want to do a more serious workout.

    That said if a good looking woman seems interested in me I’ll give her some serious attention.

  10. If you do group classes, you tend to see the same faces and it’s more common to chat with people afterwards.

  11. I don’t really talk to people in the gym, I’m there to do my stuff and that’s it. Occasionally I will indulge in a bit of chat, but never starting it. Working out is something I do for me!

    Now if I am there with friends that’s a different story.

  12. at the gym im there with the initial thought that everyone has a routine and its not my place to interrupt their routine. they may only have 45 minutes to train and its not my place to find out if they are there to socialize.

    that being said i do talk to some people at the gym but usually just small chat between rests, if anything becomes more serious i just ask for their contact and we go from there. ive made a few gaming friends this way and some others who have been interested in biking since im one of the few bike guys at the gym.

    talking to women is a different thing. it does happen however it is far more rare. if a woman is interested in you she may find ways to some how end up training next to you often, to the point where it is kinda strange to not at least say hello or share names. if a woman has been following you or trailing you around the gym you might aswell say something and move on from there. currently im actually with a nice woman i met at the gym, her and i connected after seeing each other at the gym for sometime and lifting next to each other sharing equipment. i asked for her contact and how we hangout outside of the gym.

  13. Please don’t go out of your way to be social at the gym. Just get your shit done like everyone else. Obviously you’ll make friends with other regular lifters and chat with them. But if I’m in my zone, really honed in on my workout and I gotta leave that mindset to entertain a random stranger it’s going to be a bad time

  14. When I did go someone talked to me and kept trying to talk to me, had to keep taking my headphones out.

  15. People usually have earbuds, headphones or are looking at their cellphones, so it’s rare to be able to talk with anyone even if you want to.

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