What lets you know your partner would make a good parent?

  1. Super sweet with animals. Plays with other babies. Overall patient and understanding. Adjusts to sudden change well, adapts easily.

  2. I knew she was good with kids before I had our twins, she’s just a naturally calm and in control person

    I’ve never seen her lose her cool and she’s a good aunt so I knew she gets along well with kids

    I was was more sure about her ability to mom than mine

  3. Patience and understanding, being good with animals, knowing the importance of mental health, doesn’t have a toxic masculinity mindset, in touch with their emotions, respectful, gentle but assertive, doesn’t run away from their feelings and knows how to express them in a healthy way.

  4. Self-sacrificing. Putting others first before themselves at times. Parenthood is a ton of self sacrifice. And too often one side is fine with the other doing most or all the sacrificing.

  5. Can they keep track of stuff and take care of things (household chores) without being told/hand held? How do they react to inconveniences and not getting their way?

  6. He’s smart and logical. He’s kind and genuine. He loves few, but loves hard. He’ll be firm and wonderful at discipline while equally open minded so our children will feel comfortable coming to us with problems. And I just know how well we compliment each other that we’ll do well raising children together.

  7. We don’t know if we even want kids but it’s hard not to imagine it when I can see him as a dad so clearly. He’s so kind, super fun, but he’s also really smart and patient. He’s just the best. I couldn’t even imagine having kids at all when I was with my ex.

  8. I saw firsthand that he played well with his cousin’s kids. He’s also used to taking care of others, his mom & brother. He basically raised his younger brother. It was kind of a learning experience for him. He’s able to verbalize what he would and wouldn’t do as a parent, when raising a child again.

  9. My husband takes very good care of me. It was only natural to assume he’d take very good care of any babies we would have together.

  10. Selfless, patient and has a generally positive outlook on life.

    Also, he has a genuine desire to be a proactive father.

  11. Always knew he was super kind and caring and all that, and that if anything, I was the hothead in our relationship.

    Saw him with his nieces and nephews, and he was already fully rolling in the whole #1FunUncle/default alternate semi-parent that teaches you how to do stuff like shotgun a beer that you totally didn’t have /s.

    That turned “hey in some general sense I’d like to have kids one day” for me into a sense of like “alright well I very specifically want his kids and a shitload of them like 6 months ago”.

    Dude’s cloned himself 4 times using my womb and we adopted Kid 3 – my (much younger x100000) baby brother – as an infant when my parents went to prison for the final time.

    🤷‍♀️ as far as I care I definitely wasn’t wrong in the initial thought process there.

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