If I say I’m from Syracuse, do you need me to tell you the state or where it is?

  1. It’s one of those cities that’s recognizable in one area of the country and not too recognizable elsewhere. Prior to moving to New England, I only know about Syracuse because of a friend that was from there.

  2. Of course not, you’re just south of Spanish Fork.

    Edit: East of Layton, I wasn’t even close.

  3. If you tell me you’re from Syracuse I have no need to know what state that’s in. If you want me to know what state it’s in, you may tell me. But I have no real need to know.

  4. I think it’s in upstate New York? Wherever it is, there’s definitely a university there.

  5. I would be pretty sure you meant New York state, but would have no idea where *in* the state it is or what’s nearby.

  6. Nope, I would assume you are talking about Syracuse in New York, as that is the first one that comes to my mind. This is even after learning that the original Syracuse is in Italy.

  7. I would assume New York first, but I was offered a job up there.

    If someone just said Syracuse, I’d ask what state. Apparently there are 7 more in the US.

    Of course if they strolled up with a pompous attitude and just said “Syracuse” as a matter of fact as if no explanation was needed – well, only someone from central New York would be so arrogant.

  8. I don’t because I’m an ACC football fan. But I bet a lot of people have no idea where it is (or that it’s the name of a city, not just the university).

  9. Do you have a thick Sicilian accent? No? The person who doesn’t know what state Syracuse 2.0 is would not be able to do anything with that information anyway.

  10. There are 8 Syracuses in the US but since your flair says New York, I will assume the obvious. (and 2 international ones)

  11. Not for me. Better question for this thread, if I said I was from Binghamton would anyone have any idea where that was?

  12. It’s pretty well known to be in upstate NY as the school is pretty famous, but most people probably couldn’t exactly place it on a map

  13. Unless you’re speaking Koine Greek, I’m pretty confident in placing you in upstate New York.

  14. Me, personally? No. I know it’s somewhere in New York that isn’t City and that Carmelo Anthony went to the University for one year and won the NCAA championship.

  15. I would say the answer strongly depends on “do you watch March Madness”?

    Would I have ever bothered to look up where it was if not for sports, absolutely not. But it has a sports team that’s pretty good most years, so I know where it is.

  16. I’d assume you meant Syracuse, New York if you didn’t specify. If you mean Syracuse, Italy or any of many other US cities with the same name, you’d need to specify.

    If I was within an hour or two of any of those other US Syracuses, I’d assume that was the one you meant instead of defaulting to the one in NY.

  17. If you said Springfield, I’d have to ask which state specifically since there’s a Springfield seemingly in all of them. Syracuse, no.

  18. It’s safe to assume that everyone knows the state that goes with any city of a decent size (100k ish or more). There are some corner cases like Portland and Kansas City that need clarification.

  19. Syracuse is a pretty well-known city, in large part due to Syracuse University (The Orange, Carmello Anthony). I know its upstate. Probably pretty snowy.

  20. Tbh it took a long time for me to figure out that Syracuse is a whole town and not just the name of a college. But i couldve always told you that the college is somewhere in new york

  21. Well, there are 7 places in the U.S with that name and 3 others around the world. I would assume you mean New York.

  22. It’s considered Western NY. I would be surprised if it’s the only Syracuse but the one in NY is the most recognizable because of the school.

  23. I know it’s in New York State.

    I know it’s somewhere between New York City and Buffalo.

    I know there’s a university there.

    That’s all I know.

  24. NY. Pretty much smack dab in the center. Oneida is the geographical center but SYR is pretty close.

    Nice try CNY. Nice try.

  25. I assume New York, but there are tons of cities with the same name out there. Richmond, Memphis, Portland, etc…there’s tons of these across the country.

  26. Syracuse, definitely not.

    I think the only place I might question specifically is “Portland.” I feel like that’s one where New Englanders auto assume Maine and PNW folk auto assume Oregon. If I meet a random on like a cruise or some shit down in the Caribbean and they just say “Portland,” I’d have to ask for specifics.

    I’m curious though, are there any other American cities like that? Springfield doesn’t count.

  27. I would assume you either mean the one in NY (first) or Italy (second). Before I moved to NY I had no idea where in the state it was though.

  28. It depends, but usually not. A lot of city names are used in several states. Especially those from the old world and bible. For example, there are 8 cities called Syracuse in the US.

    As long as you are talking about the most famous city with it’s name, then you don’t need to give the state. If you aren’t then you do.

    So if you are talking about Syracuse NY, you don’t need to give me the state. If you are talking about Syracuse IN then you do.

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