What lies do some men like to believe?

  1. I’ve known a couple guys who added a couple inches onto their height or junk, and seem to actually believe the lie after a while. My brother’s 6’4” and constantly hears “You can’t be 6’4”, because my boyfriend is 6’2”!” and then the guy shows up and he’s like 5’10”. I understand why they lie about it but to get offended when people prove you wrong is weird.

  2. Being able to hide the bald spot or hairline by styling with their hair a certain way.

  3. That they are hopelessly unfuckable due to [laundry list of excuses]. Turns out the number one cause of being unfuckable is giving up before you even try.

  4. Men love to believe that they will rise to the occasion in a physical altercation, but it’s just not true. When you get into a fight, you fall to your level of training and experience. You don’t get better, you get worse.

  5. Everyone likes to think they are on the right side of average for most things. Intelligence, looks, salary. That’s not mathematically possible.

    Edit: So yes if there are people who score -1000 on the looks chart, negative IQ, and negative billionaires I am indeed wrong. Lol. Maybe this was the lie I wanted to believe. 😶

  6. “He’s just a friend” has got to be up there, whether you believe it or not. You have to pretend you believe it so your girl doesn’t think you have a jealousy problem

  7. That their masculinity is “toxic”

    What’s toxic is teaching an entire generation of men that their enate behaviors and feelings are “toxic” instead of teaching them to direct those feelings and actions in a positive direction

    There’s no such thing as Toxic masculinity, there are just toxic people and unfortunately, some of them are men

  8. If she sees what best friends we are, she’ll eventually want to date me!


    Bro, we all have to make this mistake once or twice, don’t spend years putting Boyfriend level effort into a girl who doesn’t return your feelings, if she did, you would know and she would respond with Girlfriend level effort. Either accept your friends and move on, or cut things off and save your feelings/sanity. Its fine being friends, but don’t let feelings blind you or hold you back from finding a girl who will respond to you!

  9. That when the girl flaked on a date because she was “busy/too tired/whatever excuse”, that she was actually busy. Almost always, she flaked/cancelled because another guy who she likes better is getting her priority.

  10. They their partner was a complete lossless handholdless virgin before them.

    Even if their partner doesn’t say it, they still like to believe it.

  11. That they “used to” be 6% bodyfat and bench 400. That they could have been a pro athlete, that they could be a navy seal etc etc

  12. That most women who asks questions and smile at them are genuinely interested in what they have to say.

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