Hi there!

Welcome to our daily scheduled post, the **Daily Slow Chat.**

If you want to just chat about your day, if you have questions for the moderators *(please mark these \[Mod\] so we can find them)*, or if you just want talk about oatmeal this is the thread for you!

Enjoying the small talk? We have a Discord server too! We’d love to have more of you over there. Do both of us a favour [and use this link to join the fun](https://discord.gg/BTX7cK3R4k).

The mod-team wishes you a nice day!

  1. What physical object do you miss most when you are away from home?

    I am obviously getting old…I am very happy to sit in my favourite armchair after a few months away, and also to have my own pillow again!

    But maybe my favourite is cooking on my own stove again.It’s been a long time of eating out,or using small or bad cookers and equipment in various hostels or rented apartments… great to have a nice gas stove top again, with space and proper equipment!

  2. Tell me, what’s one simple little kitchen gadget you love?

    I’m a big fan of little gadgets, and this weekend when I visited my parents I pilfered their Pyrex [milk watcher/pot minder](https://www.pyrex.eu/products/classic-glass-liquid-saver-high-resistance-8-cm). It’s a nifty little disk that goes on the bottom of your pot that will clack loudly when the liquid starts to boil, as bubbles rise from underneath it. If you’re the distracted sort and heat up milk often, that’s a priceless preventer of messes.

  3. [Our government ministers have the least education of any in the world, and the only ones that come close are our Scandinavian brethren. This, in case it wasn’t obvious, is a good thing.](https://khrono.no/norske-ministre-er-de-lavest-utdannete-i-verden/814485) (Norwegian article, no paywall).

    Thought this’d be interesting to share. I’ve sometimes heard people from “the continent” chalk their mistrust of politicians up to a lack of education, which to me is odd — idolising a cabinet of scientists and lawyers rather than a more representative one sounds more like technocracy than democracy to me.

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