forms of assault would be slapping, spitting, punching ect….

Be brutally honest!!

  1. My live-in gf got SUPER drunk one night and pitched a fit because I didn’t want to take her out for more drinks. In the ensuing fight she hit me in the head with a clothes iron. I felt it hit the back of my head and turned around to see her swinging the iron over her head, like a lasso, by the cord. I grabbed it from her and told her I was going to tie her to a chair then I felt something tickling the back of my neck. I reached around and blood was gushing everywhere so I said, “Fuck it, you’re going to jail.”

    I went downstairs and called 911. When the cops showed up there was a male and a female. The male came up to me and asked me to show him my injury. I turned around and he touched my hair and said, “Holy fuck!! You need an ambulance!!”. Meanwhile the female was coaxing my gf to come down stairs so they didn’t have to go up and get her. She came prancing down the stairs in a see through nightie. She was wearing jeans and a sweater when she hit me.

    Anyway, she went to jail and I changed the locks on my apartment.

  2. Yes. The last few years of my marriage, my wife ramped up the verbal and emotional abuse to include physical abuse. It started with throwing things that caused bruises but escalated to punching that also caused bruises and a bad concussion. It was after I recovered from the concussion that she started hitting in front of the kids and I filed for divorce.

    Years later, I still have side effects from the concussion and I will never be in a serious relationship again. But, I am actually in a good place otherwise.

  3. Yes – my sister did bc I would not GIVE HER THE TV REMOTE. She scratched the skin on my arm half off and then proceeded to dig her nails in my face and scream as loud as she could into my ear… she’s got some issues she’s working through but definitely not a good excuse for the behavior. Moral of the story.. men can’t defend them selves and it’s always our fault lol

  4. No, I don’t think so. Closest I can think of is when we were arguing in the middle of the night. I tried to go back to bed, and she ripped the blankets off and away from me. My knee-jerk reaction was an urge to escalate by wrestling with her over the blankets, but I stopped myself and said to her, “Do not make this physical.” If I had reacted before thinking, we might have had an actual fight.

  5. My first real girlfriend would get handsy when she was drunk, I just ignored it and never did anything about it.

  6. Yeah.

    I’ve said this before, so it’s no secret here and it helps to share it, my Ex partner is a cop, (a man) who I lived with.

    Beat me into the ground more than once, broke my nose, broke my fingers and fractured an eye socket. He was also ridiculously violent with intimacy & sex, he cheated, his cheating brought us both STIs. And so it was a total, total mess

    I ended up in the hospital since he injured me badly the last time, and that’s thankfully how things ended

    EDIT 2:

    I feel so fucking angry tonight, about this, about this horrible thing and even just… thinking too much.
    OP, question: why are you asking?
    I’m reading that last line of yours: Be Brutally Honest!!
    And I’m just sort of – why? What do you want with that brutal honesty.
    I guess for me… being honest is a little therapeutic… i can’t go to live therapy, i can’t afford it or bring myself to do it.

    It helps to write this, it releases a tiny bit of pressure but…. It also makes me feel so fucking torn to pieces, it’s just the past, but it’s also so much the present, it’s so fucking painful and it has nowhere to go.

    All I can do is drink and it’s not a good solution. I have work and it’s not a good idea

  7. I had an ex that would hit me, but I thought it was her being playful. It eventually set in with me that she wasn’t being playful when she got angry and tried to hit me, and I had to restrain her and explain to her why striking someone who is stronger than you might be a bad idea. Didn’t take very long before I was gone after that.

  8. I might have to go back and check out the specifics of the legal definition of “assault,” but a homeless woman did once brandish a dull bread knife at me

    Damn if I know why, but fortunately she was waaaaay too out of it to be a real threat. I walked around her and jogged away at a mild pace while she just sort of staggered around

  9. No.

    First, she never would, and second, I’d never let her. I’m far stronger than her so there’s no chance I’d let her assault me.

    Never understood why any man would.

  10. She was a toxic narcissist. Hit me multiple times and threatened me with a knife once. And thanks to our stacked divorce courts, my daughter still has to spend half her time with that psychopath.

  11. Never happened to me but has happened to friends of mine. The reason usually boiled down to drugs or alcohol.

  12. She was sharing a story with my friends at a bar. I was witness to all the events that were included in the story she was telling. At one point, she just flat out started making things up, making someone look bad. I said that’s not what happened at all, and then explained what actually occurred. This was upsetting enough for her that she decided to slap me as hard as she could, in a crowded bar, in front of my best friends. She then ran out of the bar crying. She was instantly dead to me, although we stayed together for about another 10 weeks. If you’re wondering why the wait, I was just waiting for her to graduate and go back home, 100’s of miles away from me. I wanted that distance before I cut the crazy out of my life. Her summer job required her to work 6 days a week, so her opportunities for some sort of petty revenge were limited.

  13. No.

    I came close once. I told her not to bring in an open container into my brand new car. She immediately spilled it on the seat. I started cussing her out. She got out of the car and threw the container on my hood, denting it.

    I came out of my car and walked towards her in anger. I have no idea what I was thinking of doing in my head. But I stopped halfway and got back in my car.

  14. My college girlfriend started smacking me upside the head because she thought it was “cute”. Then she’d do it when she got upset, then started hitting harder. I was 6’2″, 220lbs. One day she went to give me a punch and I grabbed her wrist and said that was enough of that, so she called the cops. Spent the night in jail, then the next day they let me free and went and picked her up. Apparently whoever took my statement the next day was curious why they picked up the guy when the one they decided was the victim openly stated in their statement that they were beating on him when their arm was grabbed.

  15. I got slapped by a girlfriend once because I didn’t stop grabbing at her and being sexually playful.

    I did this because two days before we had a conversation where she told me that when I’m doing that and she tells me to stop that she doesn’t really want me to stop and is playing and really wants me to keep going.

    Lesson. Learned. We developed a “safe word” system. She had a thing she would say if she actually wanted me to stop vs just playing.

  16. Got slapped for a joke she didn’t like. Wasn’t a sexist or demeaning joke. The real reason? Because she’s a woman and she knew she could get away with it.

  17. Yep! She was drunk. There were actually 3 women over the yrs who have either slapped or pushed me or stood in a doorway to prevent me from leaving, all yrs ago in my 20s, though.

  18. I was slapped with a poop bag containing poop… for walking ”too fast” (not at the same pace as her). Good thing it didn’t burst…

  19. I was married. I put into motion a multi-year plan to get divorced. She as actually surprised.

  20. My first wife punched me in the face because I was upset she wanted to sleep with a guy for $1k. She split my lip with one blackened my eye and scratched my cornea with her second. Yet I was the abusive one because I punched the wall and broke my pinky so I got kicked out of my house. This happened while I was in the Army.

  21. I was dating and living with a crazy redhead 20+ years ago. On two separate occasions she sucker punched me in the stomach while in my face arguing. Both times it knocked the air out of me and I crumbled to the floor, and she took off running expecting me to go after her. I was young and dumb, but she kept me completely drained of cum. Looking back, I was just too stupid to get out of that relationship. Luckily, I randomly met a woman that changed the way I looked at relationships, and we’ve now been married 19 years. My wife still playful tells me “you’re welcome” for saving me from getting trapped into marriage by that psycho.

  22. I had an ex that would slap me if I did something she perceived as “stupid”, in reality it was usually me doing something trivial. She also hit me in the nose with a hairbrush once after she got ejected from a waterpark for being drunk and I didn’t kick up a fuss with the manager like she did. She very nearly broke my nose and drew blood.

    Then one night while I was out with my colleagues for a work Christmas night out she attacked me in a nightclub after not being able to reach me (I had switched my phone off because she was harassing me) and that was it for me then.

  23. My ex and I had a horrible relationship. On and off for a year. One time I broke up with her and she drove over to my place and started hitting me in the face. We were outside and I raised my hands to protect my face (boxing, Muay Thai life) and she yelled “don’t hit me” and backed away from me. I had never hit, shoved, any physical contact like that with her and never would. The older neighbors I talked to a lot wouldn’t even look at me after that night so I imagine everyone thought I was an abusive person.

  24. Definitely not the most extreme situation by far. But my last gf had a tendency to slap me or lightly punch me as an expression of frustration or shock. Like, if I made a joke making fun of her over something, she might slap me or punch me on the arm as a reaction to it. I wouldn’t say that I was harmed in any meaningful way by the action, but I also didn’t like the feeling of being hit, because I was aware that if the roles were reversed, I would likely be called an abuser for the same actions.

    I asked her multiple times when we were dating for her to stop, and she generally seemed to recognize my request. But at the same time, she sometimes kept doing it without thinking.

  25. Yes, she hit me with a closed fist in the face just because I didn’t trust her “best friend” so I told her that she has 1 minute to grab her shit and go before I call the cops to have her removed

  26. My ex fiancé tried to hit me across the face during a drunken argument that I wasn’t backing down from because she was wrong. She attempted to hit me 3 times in a row. Each time she swung I pushed her to the floor. After her third time hitting the floor she cried out I’m a women why are you pushing me, she apparently thought it was acceptable to hit me across the face. That was the first and only time she tried to physically assault me. The next day she acted like nothing happened. We separated about a year later for other reasons.

  27. “this is for a personal study that will be used to determine how many underreported assault cases against men.”

    This is an extremely unreliable way to do this. Your results are going to be essentially meaningless for a number of reasons. If you ever plan on using this “data”, you will have to qualify it by stating that it is unverified, anecdotal information and you should also link to this thread whenever you cite your data or whatever conclusions you come to based on the responses. Not trying to be a buzzkill or anything, but the responses you get to this are NOT going to “determine how many underreported assault cases against men.” It is only going to tell you how many people gave you responses to your question, regardless of veracity of the responses.

  28. I’ve been physically assaulted by nearly every girlfriend I’ve ever had, ranging from slaps and punches, to clawing, nut kicking, object throwing, and even an attempted stabbing.

    Once I got into my late 30’s it started to dawn on me that I must not understand how to properly read the quality of potential partners, probably due to childhood abuse and trauma.

    So I think I’m probably done dating.

  29. Had a girl grab the steering wheel and try to crash us in the middle of an argument while I was driving once lmao. She got even more angry when she realized she wasn’t strong enough so she started scratching me.

  30. I have never had a girlfriend/lover/etc that didn’t hit me.

    And when I immediately set my boundaries, called me a wimp/baby/pussy/etc.

    So, after a few break ups because of it I simply learned to deal with it by explaining that hitting me is foreplay, and consent for sex.

  31. My sister attacked me a few times. BUT, my mother raised us so that women weren’t protected. My sister and I used to physically fight all the time as young children. She was older and bigger, and she usually won. Until I was 9. I remember her chasing me, prepared to beat on me, when I suddenly stopped, turned around and nailed her in the head. Left a big lump and bruise.

    That stopped ALL the childhood bullying by her.

    Then, when we got older – early 20s., she tried physically abusing me. I gave her one really good slap. End of discussion. Once more, some time later, she tried getting physical. I gave her a good push, and she lost her balance, and stumbled back onto a wall.

    I don’t think guys should haul off and punch women – unless there’s a *really* good reason. But, I fucking HATE that privilege women have, where they should never be hit back. For me, all a woman has to do is avoid hitting me, to avoid me hitting them.

  32. Yup when I was a long time girlfriend would get crazy and litterally attack me. She punched me in the face while I was driving us on the freeway one time, among a few other times. Ibwas litterally arrived she would eventually stab me in my sleep. When I started reflexively reacting to her attacks I knew it was time to end things. I started getting physical back and thatts not who I am.
    We dated for 6yrs, I only stuck around because she was super cute with a tight body and the sex was insanely good!
    Like they say “crazy in the head, crazy in the bed” totally true!!!

  33. She threw something at me because we were running late and I (calmly) refused to take the toll road.

    She’s grown way past that now, much better at holding her temper.

  34. Not the most egregious, but my ex-girlfriend grabbed me by the arm on two occasions as she was trying to have an argument with me. Both times she backed me into a corner and wouldn’t let me leave the house without “talking” with her. We were in the middle of a breakup and I just wanted to take my things and leave but she kept antagonizing and provoking me. I made it clear that there was nothing to discuss and that I just wanted my things and for her to leave me alone. She had no respect for my boundaries at all which is why I shut down her attempts at having a conversation. While she never struck me the act of applying force (even touching) directly or indirectly without consent constitutes common assault in my area. I told her both times not to touch me and she did it anyway. It’s amazing how people dismiss the seriousness of that situation when I tell them the story just because I’m a man. I know for a fact if it was the other way around I would be up to my neck in shit.

    I won’t be going to the police about this because I don’t trust them and I don’t believe it’s worth pursuing because it’s my word against hers and she’s a pretty white girl while I’m a visible minority on top of being male. Moreover, my demographic continues to face racism at the hands of the police and justice system in general.

    The best part of this whole situation was she started telling everybody I was “emotionally abusive” toward her when in fact I was just standing up for myself and never did any such thing. She had my therapist (whom we both go to regularly), part of my immediate family, and her friends and family convinced I was this abusive monster. I have never been more hurt in my life by anyone I called a partner and I was so hurt when she called me an emotionally abusive man via text I had a nervous breakdown. I’m still struggling to cope with the whole thing months later but I’m doing much better. Thankfully, my family and friends have seen her for who she is and have taken my side. I’m still very bitter about the whole thing, sad to say.

  35. Been together 13 years, she’s never once laid a finger on me. Unless we’re play fighting, in that case she’s got little fists that pack a surprising punch. But I get her back through tickles and grabbing of forbidden areas 😏

  36. *”Men, have you ever been assaulted by your girl and what was the reason?”*

    Hmm….interesting if the genders were reversed and in a women’s subreddit I’m sure the consensus would be that it doesn’t matter what the reason is assault is wrong.

    So I’m going to go with that.

    Because odds are if she attacked for one reason she would find 000s other reasons to be abusive OP.

    So the reason doesn’t matter.

  37. Yes, on multiple occasions. I didn’t ever think anything of it cause I could take the hit, ya know? but things would get violent and shit would be thrown, pushed around, degraded and belittled, and sometimes get slapped. I thought this was a regular thing because my size vs. her size plus I didn’t think anyone would believe me that this girl who was obviously smaller and more petite than me could be bullying someone of my size but come to find out I had a friend who was in a similar situation. obviously discontinued the relationship lol

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